Usually I stress about things and put them off with the result that my most stressful hour is just before bed. One night recently I didn't have anything to stress about before bed and also felt prepared for the next day. I spent a half hour unwinding before I went to bed. The result was that I woke at 5:00 feeling as rested as if it was 7:30. It just goes to show. I find myself doing this more often and needing less sleep. But sometimes, for no apparent reason, I need lots of sleep! Any thought you guys?
so basically, you sleep better if you don't have stressful things on your mind? yeah, that seems logical.
You can smoke weed every day for a year then try and not smoke it. Keeps me awake all the time. =[ You could also sleep next to me. I kick and carry on, apparently. I'll keep you up. =]
Where did you read this? Actually, the more you work out, the more sleep you need because while you sleep is when your body repairs itself. So on the days a person works out, it's important they get enough sleep.
Not really. I am just wondering where he read this. Most people need at least 8 hours of sleep each night, regardless of the shape they're in.
I sleep for about 4-5 hrs. Anything longer A)hurts my back or B) I just don't feel as rested. If I can manage 8hrs I'll be all tired and docile all day but 4hrs I will be awake with energy.
Doesn't that sound ironic. But I'd love to only need 4-5 hours sleep a night.... but then again I'm glad I don't have back problems!
For instance I'm on a marijuana tolerence break right now. Last night was the first night in over a month and a half that I did not get high. In bed it was all broken sleep. Toss turn, toss turn, irritability equalling only 3hrs and I'm wide awake. =]
So which is most effective? the honey, the melatonin or the magnesium???? And where did you come across that anyway? The last things I've usually ate before bed would be either carrot, asparagus, broccoli, orange, or blueberries!!
The longer I've been awake the harder it is to finally go to sleep. The first few minutes after waking up it's the hardest to stay awake too, I know I'm fucked up. Sometimes it's easier to just stay awake if I know I can't get enough sleep. Sleep, get the fuck outta here lol! "i never sleep, cuz sleep is the cousin of death" - NAS
They're most effective taken together, but any of the three is better than nothing if you can't sleep. How did I come across it? Melatonin and magnesium are both commonly used as sleep aids. Honey isn't as common, but many people swear by it.