How Persons Can "realistically" Be Made Into Terrorists

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by bourne1978, Dec 14, 2015.

  1. bourne1978

    bourne1978 Members

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    Governments can create terrorists in regions via medical health records and mental health records.

    Promise to make bad health people's families wealthy, and have their families secured protected, and these governments can have themselves people agreeing to be suicide bombers and/or people agreeing to be sacrificed by those very governments.

    ^Those very governments can take over countries through doing that. But if another country's government, not apart of those, see that that is what these other governments are doing, they can sense they are in danger, and act accordingly with a better judgment.

    A better judgment example: Russia would rather act against the U.S. of NATO rather than Turkey, since those rebels in Syria are basically apart of those very governments [NATO] that are behind those terrorists groups [Al Queda and ISIS], too. And it would be especially because the U.S. has the better equipped military than the rest of the NATO members.

    What you are not apart of, that is posturing itself in certain ways in the world, can be looked at as a danger to you.

    And recall that Osama Bin L. had bad health before you brush off what I just revealed above.

    The interpreting of a religion's book differently as to being what is behind making people turn into terrorists, is just not coming across as realistic. And plus, Muslims have even been saying that these terrorists aren't true Muslims.

    ETA: Here is a bonus...

    "How persons working for the federal government can arise into local and state government positions, for federal government domestic operations unknown to the general public"

    Their are government agents controlling the direction of talk on message boards, too, as if people can't truly see. So far they've been controlling talk on who is to be their next "appointed" president rather than the America people's next "elected" president, for pre-convincing purposes. It is all about laying the ground work via the world wide web.

    The federal government been from some time now appointing presidents, likely based off of who will get onboard with their plan that calls for a sure puppet to be president.

    The federal government has a person appointed only if they fully agree to be on board with being a puppet.

    Deep cover domestic federal government operations means that the federal government been silently becoming seeded into enough local government electoral college board member positions, to flat out appoint presidents rather than allow them to be elected by American voters, with doing clever as hell pre-convincing tactics through some of the media and some of the web over the general public.

    For the federal government's plan, local and state governments, in some capacity, have been silently hijacked by deep cover federal government operatives, operating domestically. These federal government operatives keep with their deep cover so that they can be only known as local or state government officials. No telling how many local and state governments have rather become ran by the federal government being deep cover.

    A deep cover isn't exclusive to the world of law enforcement. Different kinds of deep covers exist. Just like how spies have to be deep covers in order to operate smoothly in foreign territories.
  2. tikoo

    tikoo Senior Member

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    Yes , we know of govt operatives who attempt to influence this forum . They
    are known by an odor . Every mind has an odor . Yours is ... horse sweat , as
    though you work hard .

    Now , what shall be do about this nonsense - that a U.S. president is The Leader
    of The Free World ? It's crazy . Perhaps the people must amend their constitution .
    The people need to conspire for good .

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