I sure most people use glass instead of metal pipes, I prefer metal cause I am always dropping my bowl and didn't have a good experience with glass. so how often do you change your screens? I just put a new screen in mine and I feel its clogged already maybe the bud I have in the chamber is making it clogged its pretty black but don't want to take it out just yet I want to leave it in as long as possible
yeah that thing you put in your bowl when you smoke out of it don't want hot pieces of pot going in my mouth lol
That's never happened to me... So is that like, the water bubbles up the pipe into your mouth? I've had that but very seldom and usually when there's too less or too much water.
Once or twice a week maybe. Just whenever it stops hitting well. They are $1 for a dozen at the local head shop so I don't worry about it too much.
i very rarely used them when i smoked. only when i had shitty weed; normally i would just break off a bigger chunk to go at the bottom of the bowl and function as a natural screen. i rarely used metal, but this was the case even when i did. when i did use them, i didn't change them often. i just pulled the screen off every couple times i smoked and scraped the resin off with a knife. occasionally poked a pin through it a bunch of times to ensure there were functional holes in it.
When it stops pulling properly I change it. That can take a while since I don't always use the same thing to smoke with every day. I have a pipe and some bongs that I go between. I probably change the screens on everything once a month or so.
I use a Genius pipe and usually change the screen every weekend. It uses 1/2" screens that cost me three cents each when I buy them from Amazon... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07M8TDV4P