Over your speech with others? Do you make fun of people? Do you get angry and swear at some? Do you listen or just wait for your turn to talk?
I don't let my emotions get the best of me when interacting with others. Though my silence, and body language says far more than my words. Knowing that, i use that to my advantage.
Hello, I have as much control as I care to exercise when talking to people, just like everybody else. /endthread
My words and voice hold ground and is real. My words also contains floods of poisoned water and a language spoken with acid from different tongues.
I'm shy and reserved, which pretty much saves me from losing control in front of people. Very few people have seen my temper.
Oh ive always hated that though, its so passive aggressive. I think people should either say whats on their mind or move along, aint no one got time for silent treatment
Its rarely done out of anger or suppressed emotions. More like there are times when silence is the best answer.
I like the silence. From the mouth of Oden himself; Only a fool walks into crowded assembly and starts talking loudly like a baboon. The wise man will wait, watch, listen and observe. Wise is he not who is never silent, Mouthing meaningless words: A glib tongue that goes on chattering.
It's from those stanzas right there that I read when I was young that stick to me very closely. Now not online. I don't live by these when I'm online, but IRL those stanzas are reflected on a daily basis. Basically if I don't know what you're talking about or I don't know enough of the topic, I won't say anything and I'll just observe the room and the people. You learn about them that way. Not online though. You're going to get anything that comes to my mind as a type it.
I like silence, i just dont like when it is used as a form of punishment. But i get what pure darkness is saying now, he sees the wisdom in remaining silent rather than regretting his words later.
If I very consciously and well considered swear or make fun of someone during a conversation I don't see how it would mean I have less control.
I read his words in the way that I tried to express so I knew where he was coming from. Although I could have totally misread them too and have no idea where he's coming from. =p I know who and who not to swear around and I don't subconsciously think about it. Like my age friends I swear, I talk loudly etc. I carry on like I do on 'ere. But with older folks and family i just don't do it. I don't think about not doing it, it just doesn't happen.