How long have you gone without masturbating? My record is about a few weeks. That was years ago when I was taught that it was bad, but I now think it is cruel to not let people get physical relief. Usually I do it at least every 1-2 days now.
uhhhhh that musta been a year filled with some interesting events. maybe like 5 days tops, if I dont do it alot then I have alot of sexual dreams
Last year I tried, and managed 3 weeks until I couldn't keep going. I just spent the last few days watching the dirtiest and kinkiest porn I could find. I did some jerking off, but always stopped before cumming. My head was full of the craziest fantasies, and I just thought I'd better get it over with. But not masturbating for a while kind of creates a unbalance or something. I mean I kept wanting to masturbate all the time. Even if I was as dry as the desert, I still wanted to jerk off.
long term partner had committed suicide I was not interested in really anything at that point. Not that it is ever often since I prefer actual sex
It ranges for me and I'm not a young-in like some of you whippersnappers. But for me it will range from multiple times in a day to sometimes taking an involuntary break for a half a week or so. The break as I said is involuntary in that sometimes I'm just busy, tired or hitting the wife so much I just don't care too. It's nice though to have a plan B in those dry times
probably no more then two weeks. But no because I made a point of not jerking it, simply because, I didn't. I would never make a point of purposefully NOT jerkin it. There is no reason to, unless it is consuming your entire life. As a secondary answer, Its generally a once a day thing if Im not in a sexual right now. If Im sleeping with someone, its a little less, but only because Im having sex.