People need to know it was Carter and his people who got those hostages freed not Reagan. "The timing deprived Carter of welcoming the Americans home while still in the White House. But their release, nonetheless, was his triumph. Since Nov. 2 he and his representatives -- notably Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher -- had persevered in agonizing and frustrating dealings with the Iranians." Source: Freed Americans Land in W. Germany Washington Post
I remember the 70s. And the inflation then was so high and so persistent that the inflation on Biden’s watch would have seemed like an unimaginable paradise. So a Democratic leader has to clean up the economic mess from the Rs. Yawn, “what’s new pussycat?”
Whoever became president when Carter became president was going to have to deal with high inflation. The period from 1965 to 1983 was called "The Great Inflation". Then it was affected by the oil shortage caused by the Iranian Revolution in 1978-79.