How Does This Story End?

Discussion in 'True Confessions' started by storch, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. storch

    storch banned

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    There’s this guy who lives in a town about ten miles away. He owns a farm from which he sells hay. The farm was handed to him by his dad. His mother died seven years ago. My sister in-law works hospice and tended to this guy’s mother until she died. He liked her, and he wanted to have the relationship become romantic. She was married, and he knew it. Of course, she didn’t see things his way, and told him so.

    As it turns out, the guy’s mother had severe mental problems from the time he was born. The people in the town he lives in knows that he suffers the same kind of mental disorder as his mother. When my sister in-law wouldn’t have anything to do with him, he arranged for an old friend of his whom my sister in-law had dated twenty years before to give her a call. They were setting her up. When he called, he said to her how much he had been thinking about her all these years and asked if she would meet with him somewhere just to talk. She told him that nothing good could come from the meeting. He eventually started begging. So, just for old time’s sake, she agreed to meet with him, and then to make clear that she has no interest in any kind of relationship.

    Unbeknownst to her, the fixated, psychopathic hay-seller, with the help of his friend, had taped the phone conversation between her and his friend. These guys are the epitome of low-life scoundrels. This sick little hay-seller paid her a visit and had her listen to the recording of her agreeing to meet with the old flame, after which he threatened to let her husband listen to it. He didn’t make any demands, and he hasn't done it yet. He does, however, do shit like drive past her house and honk the horn, or turn into the driveway, and then back out. Her husband thinks nothing of it, but she’s being tormented.

    This sister in-law has an unscrupulous sister who deals with this sicko asshole, and in the past has had numerous illegal enterprises with him having to do with drugs and medical-marijuana. I’ve pitched in thirty-eight hundred dollars on a private investigator for the purpose of getting any kind of dirt on this little woman-stalking fuck that could put him in prison. I am now in possession of the dirt that spells the end for his freedom. The thing is, if I turn this investigator’s report over to the police, he will definitely go to jail, but he will no doubt send a recording of the phone conversation between his buddy and my sister in-law to her husband as a last ditch effort to get revenge, since he will have nothing to lose. The husband will not understand, and their marriage will likely end. So, how does the story end?
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  2. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    Gives me the Willies just thinking about it! Have you met the Willy behind the Willies?

    You and her go to the husband. She has nothing to fear or worry about because her intention on the matter is consistent. Twice, her intention is known:

    1) She was married, and he knew it. Of course, she didn’t see things his way, and told him so.
    2) He eventually started begging. So, just for old time’s sake, she agreed to meet with him, and then to make clear that she has no interest in any kind of relationship.
  3. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    It doesn't. It continues with substitutions.
  4. storch

    storch banned

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    Unfortunately, the husband has no way of knowing that she had no interest in any kind of relationship with the old flame. All the husband will hear is a taped phone conversation in which the old flame asks/begs to see her, and her saying yes. The husband won't know that she told the old flame that she's not interested. In fact, the husband will be wondering why she met with the old flame and didn't tell him. You see the problem there? At the very least, it will certainly cause suspicion and doubt. He's a jealous guy.
  5. storch

    storch banned

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    No solution?
  6. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    If he's so jealous and wouldn't trust her, maybe there's a reason besides the other guy pressuring her that she accepted and went? If the husband is more of a threat, that's no good at all. I think she should be honest with her husband, even at the risk of losing the marriage. If her own husband of so many years can't be rational about it, maybe he's worth losing.
  7. storch

    storch banned

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    If you were the husband, and your wife tells you things that you believe she should have told you right away instead of a couple years later, wouldn't you have reason to be suspicious since she's kept it from you until crisis time?

    But you are quite right. There is no way for me to know for sure what has actually occurred, as I have only her word.

    And she can't tell anyone about the bugging of her phone call from the old flame because there's no evidence of it, and telling such a thing would only further implicate her in deception.
  8. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    His suspicion would be somewhat reasonable but from what it looks like, she's treated it as a non-issue until the other guy stepped it up and made it an issue for her, that she now needs to deal with. You could always print off this thread, so he understands that it's a complicated issue that you're trying to handle responsibly.
  9. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    If you want a future different from the past make a different choice in the present.
  10. storch

    storch banned

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    It's a mess. The reason I hired an investigator was to have what I need to put the hay-seller in prison should he decide to finally expose her by leaving a tape of the phone conversation where her husband will find it.

    There is also the option of paying the hay-seller a visit and leaving him with a copy of the investigator's findings, and telling him to never approach her again, or I will see that he goes to prison. But that would involve me in a type of extortion. And I can't do that.
  11. storch

    storch banned

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    Then honesty is the best policy? Clean slates don't come easy, especially when they've been darkened for so long.
  12. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    honesty allows the greatest possibility of an informed choice
  13. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    I love that, "clean slates don't come easy, especially when they've been darkened for so long."

    Well, I personally think honesty is the best way to go. And if it's like dropping a bomb on the husband, he's just going to need time to take the information in and process it. It shouldn't be like dropping a bomb on him though because it's not like she's telling him that their family business got bankrupted, or one of their children is in dire straits. So, perspective is needed.
  14. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    I don't understand why her husband hearing the tape is so bad.

    Unless it involved things far beyond what you've described.

    Is their relationship that cold and disconnected, yet controlling, that her marriage would end over this? If so, it pretty obviously needs to end.
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  15. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    is it just me, or does it seem like OP is using "hay-seller" as an insult?

    perfectly fine profession as far as i'm concerned.
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  16. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    they all get old and die ...but not before regretting wasting their time on stupid shit
  17. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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  18. volunteer_tommy

    volunteer_tommy Elongated Member

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    Agreed. In fact, it's win/win. Not only will the asshole get put in jail, but an unhealthy relationship will end. It's for the better.

    Unless the OP is withholding some information, in which case, I honestly have no idea what to do. I'd still probably go for it, though. If he's that bad with just her, there's no telling what else he's capable of. Go for justice
  19. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Ideally with a broken jaw and a smashed cellphone.
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  20. storch

    storch banned

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    Yes, make no mistake, it's just you.

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