how do I tell them?

Discussion in 'Communal Living' started by Logan 5, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    There's a person I kinda sorta know, only through FB, and they are starting an IC. But in watching the discussions with others, I see something that I think will fail outright if they continue doing what they are doing. Primarily taking the attitude of a tough ass marine, my way or the highway, work your ass off hard or your gone.

    I see that and I'm thinking "that's not how you run an IC or a commune. I'm no expert but you have to treat people like they're humans and not machines. It's an IC, not the military. And they have no military experience other than being raised by a former drill instructor.

    I see this as a losing project. I want to tell them where they are screwing up, but I don't know if I should, and if I do, how.

  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Tell them straight up.... Just like a drill Sargent would. Scream it into their face while standing on their toes.
  3. seeker

    seeker Member

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    I just about prefer a hardass, hard worker, to the lazy ass people that are more common in ICs
  4. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    IC ownership, or participation. IC ownership is about people participating and it needs to be as close to this open as possible unless it targets a specific group of millions. But even then, that group will have millions of wannabes, groupies, carnies, mona lisa's and mad hatters so two thirds of your member total will for sure "never be good enough!"....if he is wanting to showcase his dick, he has to at least take a "lil buddy" attitude towards "inferiors" (haha) or the good ones will go somewhere else to find goods, sycophants, audience and melieu ie boards of nearly perfect people have very little to say to each other after they co-affirm "belonging". Geek boards are boring but the content is compelling. However, the geek board that is more like this has twenty times the members. Jock boards that have joke, off topic and related subject areas have more members. If, like I said he is showcasing his self via IC, he will have to recognize that is the primary motivation of others too. People pay and participate to showcase their selves, however humble it seems sufficiency to them and they seek to be recieved in higher places to be higher them selves more than give highness to a place or person.
    Good luck, but he kinda sounds like a dick and if he loses money slapping his around it may be the only way he may begin to get a working idea?
  5. tg2lynch

    tg2lynch Member

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    All paths lead to success my friends, just as long as each step is taken with or at least towards the peace and love of God, the God of Light, the Creator. The final outcome of anything less is doomed to fail and perish by default. Any well directed advice will naturally know they must start by asking one question: To who does one serve ?

    For those who live with undefined hearts, take time now to name your soul. May you choose wise my friends.
    Peace and Light
  6. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    I figure G-d has some name for me, I wouldn't know what to call myself? I'm not sure an IC and the dynamics of group interaction and gratifying melieu have much to do with divinity or soul identity. I belong to what is supposed to be a faith based IC. But, in reality they can't uphold that and have customers too so it gets a little meshuga ~
  7. Ilyana

    Ilyana Guest

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    How is it your business? If it's his IC, he can run it any way he wants to, even if he runs it into the ground.

    Ditch facebook, you'll feel better.
  8. tg2lynch

    tg2lynch Member

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    I can make it a bit more clear, as the grand illusion ( reality)was intended to be a haze of fog and full of unthinkable tricks to fool every one of us. This is the program all soul signed up for, to run the obstacle curse , so to speak. It is the chance for souls to evolve to higher levels of consciousness. Your body is the avatar you selected for your soul to experience this reality in space time. What I mean by naming your soul, is to be clear as to who/whom your serve. Do you stand for the God of light or of the Dark ? When you are certain, your actions and thoughts have the chance to prove to whom your serve and how well. This is what the current program you are partaking in is all about. It is the chance of all lifetimes, the most difficult challenge ever created in the history of our universe. Take a good look around, see where the world is headed. Those who's eyes are open and stay undrunk will clearly understand the end of this age is close. Very close.

    PS: the dark team players are destine to lose.... choose your side wise my friends.
  9. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    Oh. That ~ I caught up :)
  10. tg2lynch

    tg2lynch Member

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    Well alrighty then, glad to hear that brother :) Peace and Light, and see you on the flip side.
  11. drawinginblank

    drawinginblank Member

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    I think you should. They'd probably shut up real quick.

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