I got really mad at this girl one time and it pissed me off so bad that it projects on to everyone else. It's like I'm just mad all the time at everyone just cause they're female... I'm getting older and if this continue, I will never have any kids because I can't reproduce by myself.... I don't even know how not to be mad.... I not SUPER MAD, like I'm not gonna do anything dangerous, but I'm just wondering what can I do about this.....
that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.... Does anyone have any real solutions.... I can't connect with a female on any emotional level, or it seems that way anyway... All I think about is sex and reproduction...
Don't let your future be controlled by your past. Let it go. Not every woman is the same. Treat them as the individual that they are. Not like someone you knew at some other point in your life. Maybe try some therapy or anger management.
It's a choice Doc. You need to choose to be happy, or choose to not be uptight. Find a woman who think is attractive and ask her for a date. Then be cool and find out who she is. If she reminds you of the lady who hurt you, stop calling her, (maybe tell her why). If she's nice, then dvelop something with her. Know that most relationships, especially those based on sex, come to an end sooner or later. The one's that don't usually yield children and a family life. That can be a good thing. If your super horn, then jerk off untill your not and then go get something accomplished...like work or school. Maybe you should read "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tole. It might help you. Good luck!