My teenage daughter actually asked me this.... If someone is born deaf, how do they think? Or blind people for that matter..... How do blind people dream..??? I'm talking again about people who were born blind.....
in spacial relationships and conceptual graphics, just like i do. the idea that you need words to think is nonsense.
Deaf people think and calculate and comprehend in the same manner all people do....we use visual and sensory data to represent thought. If a person is Blind....and always has been....we know know and have developed special clicking Echo Location as the Human Brain modifies itself as a form of sonar. TooReal
Deaf people learn to 'speak' in sign language just like anyone learns to speak their native language.
Haha! I told her that I can't be totally sure but they probably think in pictures and feelings No need to cringe
it's probably easier for them to think without all this stupid noise we hearing people are cursed with.
i don't know what paget was on, but words really have absolutely nothing to do with thinking. you don't absolutely need visual images either. the mind forms its own internal symbols and their connections, sequences and relations between them. we only thing we thing in words or visual symbols, because we use words to communicate our thoughts with others.