I just had the brilliant idea to rent a hot air balloon thing and smoke on it. It would just be so random, I mean, can you imagine being stoned out of your mind and thinking "Dude, I'm on a hot air balloon"? It is my new goal in life to someday do this.
Add this as my vote to the "best thread ever" contest (no sarcasm). I mean, wow, that's an amazing idea. Seeing the sights, and feeling so high, and... wow... the wind, etc. Don't catch it on fire though. That would really, really, REALLY suck. Hahahahahahahahaha.
wow... that'd be trippy as hell. just sitting/standing in that big ole' basket and smokin' a huuuge blunt, or better yet, rippin' off of a five-foot bong. like... whoa man...
You guys, we should get everyone from this forum to meet up someday and rent our hot air balloons, and we can rent a bunch of them and all go up at the same time, and pass tons of different pipes and joints from balloon to balloon, and it would just be the best day of my entire life!!!
That'd be awesome.....we could have the ballons connected with ropes that have baskets or something like that attached to them that slide back and forth so we could pass bowls between ballons
Someone should come up with a way to make the giant baloon flame thing burn weed and turn the baloon itself into a sort of stupidly sized bong! lol