hooking up the arms for heroin checking notes

Discussion in 'Opiates' started by layperson, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. layperson

    layperson Banned

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    actually interested if anyone can share ho to hook up middle mu receptor from DXM
    reduced DXM had bad effects except decreased tolerance to weed at 2hr Bezerx blastoff
    none of this has been tried in humans just egg white, i dont think I did anything illegal and neither should you

    bad story of "ALLIGATOR" made theyre flesh and bones disintragate die from hirp rxn in Russia

    anyways heard this..........................
    swiyou you scared swiv into getting the pure cc so this as someone who isn't might have said............

    40 pods fine powder
    1L. h20
    strained thro wife beater
    then funnel w/ charmin plug
    calcium carbonate is added until ph9.1
    alowed to sit overnight
    calcium morphinate is filtered out in morning and rinsed ith arm dH20
    the morphinate is palced in beaker w about 50ml dH20
    28%acedic acid is added dropwise untill all the calcium morphinate disolves
    activated charcoal is added and brought up to allmost boiling
    filter out charcoal and slowly evaporate solution

    what this does to DXM i do not know but it couldent be heroin the is no middle oxygen to tripple diamond help anybody?

    tylenol freezes out nicely in spoon? this looks like a jiffy? y/n?:sunny:

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