HipForums I mean, of course! ^_^ Even though I've been a member since '06, I've spent a lot of time on a more local hippy forum (which pretty much just covers my country). I'm really enjoying being somewhere global now though. As well as having more people, it's lovely having people from more cultures and parts of the world all in one place! It also reminds me just how many hippies are in this world. Peace, everyone ^_^
I feel like this again now lol The kind of "Hip Forums rocks" feeling ^_^ I'm just so glad to find somewhere where people are a lot like me. I'm an odd one, so this is rare for me. I know I've had some scrapes and some erm... like, melds / good vibes with the people here, depending on the thread and that, but overall I just like this place!
haha you know it ^_^ I wish I was as fluent in the lingo as you though! I loved the recording of Woodstock where you hear Arlo Guthrie go in this proper stoned voice "Yeah... man... can you dig it?" and you can almost SEE the red and droopy eyes haha It's awesome stuff
I loved the way he kicked them Nihilists in the third part of the movie. The women were really great Nymphs at their jobs.
Is that Woodstock the 1970 movie? I've not seen that. Just watched Taking Woodstock the other day though, I loved that. :sunny: And yes, this forum Rocks! :guitarist: