Hide Your Random Feelings.

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Ged, Jul 28, 2018.

  1. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    What random feelings do you want to hide?

    I want to hide the feeling that sometimes I feel like a frustrated megalomaniac and that I have narcissistic tendencies.

    I also want to hide that I have precious time for sympathy pep talks and good advices. If people are going to do the wrong thing they will generally do the wrong thing of their own accord.

    I also want to hide that I lack physical intimacy in my life and feel unloved.

    There I've been brutally honest.

    Sometimes people have to vent their spleen.
  2. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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  3. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    ...all of them?

    Is that an acceptable answer?
  4. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    Yes that is acceptable
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Irm on the outside: :) :) :)
    Irm on the inside: burn it all!
  6. Deidre

    Deidre Follow thy heart

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    I want to hide the fact that I’m afraid a lot of the time. :grimacing:
    Total Darkness and Meliai like this.
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    When I snap into a mood quickly I don't want to smile I just want to say alright you lot I've had enough of your shit and I'm going home.
    McFuddy and Ged like this.
  8. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    People to me all the time: you're so calm. Do you ever get upset ?
    Me on the inside: i hate you dont talk to me
    Me on the outside: i'm fine! Everything is fine!
    Irminsul and Deidre like this.
  9. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    I always appear calm, cool, and in control, but inside, I'm a nervous reck. I'm a control freak not because I think I know what's best for everyone and everything, but because I can only flourish in my comfort zone, and if I'm in control, I can create said comfort zone.

    Outside of that, I'm just in the passenger seat doing 80 and heading toward a brick wall, with no seat belt, hoping for the best.

    I only appear to have my shit together. My true mantra is, "help me."
    Total Darkness, Irminsul and Meliai like this.
  10. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Not hidin' mine---Wish I had a lover. Lady friend died 4 years ago. Used to get 1st, 2nd and third looks. Now I don't get any due do all my cute going away!! (if I ever had any)
  11. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Heart on sleeve here. No hiding a goddamn thing. So, the only thing I strive for is to be kind no matter what I'm feeling.

    Unless I feel like being mean will be funny. Or I'm looking to hit someone.
  12. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i have one of those kinds of jobs where i can't tell a sycophant to shove a cactus up his ass. and a lot of the time, i really want to.
    jagerhans and (deleted member) like this.
  13. I'm usually pretty confused about how I feel. I don't really know how I feel about many things. Even this, my brain is all, "Do you really know how you feel about things?" No, I guess I don't brain. SHUT UP!
  14. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    At times, I feel unaware of myself and surroundings... almost to the point of being socially retarded.

    For example, when I was paying entry to a museum with my mother, the very pretty woman who worked at the counter was making small talk with us. I had low energy, and didn't say much back to her.

    Once my mother and I got inside the museum, she turned to me and said "You know, that woman was flirting with you, and you didn't seem to notice." So yeah, I don't even realize it when girls are hitting on me, until after it's too late.
  15. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    I'm also retarded when it comes to realizing women are coming on to me. I've probably passed up on good potential relationships at least three times in my life. The most recent one I really regret. I was having a drink in the pub before my life drawing class. I was sitting at the bar. This really quite tasty blonde sits next to me. She starts talking and says "I sat here because I just wanted to get closer to you." I told her I had to go to my class and left. Recognizing when you've potentially pulled? I wish there was an app for that.
  16. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    Same. I also try to be kind.
  17. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    Meliai likes this.
  18. Ged

    Ged Tits and Thigh Man.

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    I hide my dissatisfaction and act like everything is just fine. Oftentimes things are deeply not okay. I do this because no one likes a whiner.

    I have learned to live with less of what I really want.
  19. Joshua Tree

    Joshua Tree Remain In Light

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    I got sick of beating myself up, so I don't do it anymore.

    "I was ever aware of the great number of conflicting elements within me. I felt they were literally swarming around inside me, these conflicting elements. I knew they had been swarming inside me all my life and they were begging to be released, but I would not let them out, I wouldn't, I deliberately wouldn't let them out. They tormented me shamefully; they brought on convulsions and, well, finally I grew bored of them, goodness how they bored me!"

    Notes From The Underground, Fedor Dostoevsky
    Meliai and Ged like this.
  20. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I actually do hide everything, i need to get better at that and learn how to reach out to people. But i feel like i've pigeon holed myself into this role where people around me just take it for granted i'll be strong and happy go lucky. And sometimes i would just rather be weak and sad. But it would feel weird leaning on people at this point

    Well....i've revealed too much. :runs and hides:
    Total Darkness and scratcho like this.

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