Hello everybody, I love being a part of a community that shares the knowledge they've learned with each other; that's why I'm here. Looking forward to a lovely ride, Thanks for accepting me.
Hello everyone, I'm new here. Never been on a forum and wanting to try something new and meet new people. I'm from and live in the West in Wyoming.
Welcome. I'm finding that these days, if you want to talk to people and learn things, you need to get away from the ghetto of modern social media. that's why I'm back on the forums. Facebook is a Police State run by nanny bots, Google is no longer a search engine but a spam generator for whoever pays them the most, and youtube, in addition to playing Mussalini to Facebook's Hitler in terms of brain policing, have become a goon squad for copyright sharks and an execution squad for fun and creativity. Google has been just steadily getting less and less useful over the last 20 years to the point where it's less of a hastle to ask people what they know than to rely on happy Mr. A.I. Salesman. And Alternative Social Media is just so full of Alt-right garbage that I think I'd start a war and never have a moment's peace there. So far, not encountered anything of that kind. Actually I think it isn't even a hastle to ask anymore. Its fun. You get organic answers to your question and can enjoy conversations on the topics. Feels like the 80's all over. Going underground, lo-fi, low-tech. back to basics. I made a point today of seeing who's new and welcoming them just because I had been so trapped in the modern social media mindset. You introduction reminded me of all that. I think that's why I decided to greet new people today.