my name's jon. you may know me from a few years back when i was younger and probably a bit more of a poser than i am now (still a poser, but i've lived more of the life). over the past months i've been hitchhiking around, going to the occasional festival, smoking some kind bud, tripping my face off, and making friends with the rainbow family and grateful dead family that live all around the country. i've gone through good times like this summer. my road dog and i hung out for a month in asheville and on july fifth we embarked on a cross-country trip to the famed venice beach. we were doing absolutely nothing but hitching rides and getting smoked out, and we hit up some small artsy towns on the way. i've gone through bad times like hitchhiking through indianapolis and down to SC after the shawnee rainbow gathering, and nearly freezing to death because nobody was picking me up. i feel like i'm a better person because of all those times, and i have many more to come. pinkfloyd666 is dead. my name is thedeserthippie and i hope that i can be you guys's friend and you can be mine. cheers to us being family!
Welcome back to the forums man, hope you're finding what you want in life, and hope you'll find some new friends here on the forums