Who are your heros? It can be anyone from friends to acters to civil rights leaders to rock stars and whatevers in the middle. I have a lot of heros. Here are just a few: Billy Corgan Ghandi Robin Zander Greg Proops Orsen Scott Card Stephen King My late grandfather More as I think of them.
I don't know...Heroe for me would be everybody who dares to stand up for their rights, but I'm not totally sure.
Stevie Ray Vaughan My late uncle, Windom Blair Snow Buddha Neil Young Jimi Hendrix Moby Drew Carey Simon Cowell R. Lee Ermey
My aunt Christina, My mum and my grandma (who have both passed on) My late uncle Mark John Paul Jones Charles Mingus My band This senior tenor sax player named Tony something or another...
Hunter S Thompson My friends hermit uncle my crazy possibly dead neighbor Ernesto Che Guevara Karl Marx Fidel Castro Ken Kesey Sonny Barger
Buddha my kickass orchestra teacher, David Chinburg Alton Brown Brandon Boyd Maynard J Keenan Chief Joseph Hole in the Day Cesar Chavez
I'd admire both Frances Farmer and Dave Navarro though I'm not sure if I would go as far as saying hero
Well, I have a lot of people who I look up too, but I wouldn't call them my hero's, more like people who I respect... Martin Luther King Jr. Gahndi John Lennon (I admire all the people who do non-voilent protest.) Keith Moon (great drummer, my inspiration) James Dean (the greatest actor ever!) Jimmy Page (wonderfull guitarist.)
My heroes are... my mom my cousin Che Guevara Simon Bolivar Benito Juarez Zapata John Lennon (well he inspires me alot thru his music)
Gandhi Henry David Thoreau Martin Luther King, Jr. Che Guevara Ralph Waldo Emerson Peter Singer Jesus (as a pacifist, activist, and visionary, not a religious figure)