Help...Looking for Information...

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by PhedraRein, May 26, 2014.

  1. PhedraRein

    PhedraRein Guest

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    I'm looking for any info on the Church of Gnostic Luminism, and Dale R. Rowan. Has it become a recognized religion, and anything else. The manifesto and other attributes appealed to me and to my quest for more knowledge. Its part of my discovering more about my hippiness, and to becoming the Hippy I hope to be. Thanks all!!!!!

  2. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    You may contact them directly. Not my cup of tea. There is no need for the sane to be institutionalized.
  3. storch

    storch banned

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    The only problem I have with that statement is that I didn't think of it first. And that's why I'm going to steal it.
  4. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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  5. PhedraRein

    PhedraRein Guest

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    To the Dope....Do you know any way to make contact? I have read one website but havent found any thing else. Thanks!
  6. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    I'll lookie see. If you see them perhaps you could suggest they give me a holler. Right here so we can see what ritual looks like in the real world.
  7. storch

    storch banned

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    I clicked onto the link. I didn't watch the videos. I don't have a problem with the idea of making the world a better place.
  8. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    What's wrong with the world? It is the best place for you. I think see what it is first. There is nothing wrong with having communion but we have that right here. I like the personal transformation part but not the we are going to transform the world part and the scheduled ritual part even though everything is optional. Soon as you let the right hand know what the left is doing, they start arm wrestling with each other. I like the site because it has links to more information.
  9. storch

    storch banned

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    Well, maybe there's nothing wrong with the world, but some of the inhabitants . . .

    And it's not so much that there's something wrong with some of the inhabitants as it is that there's more about them that could stand to be . . . more correct. We are not going to transform the world; we are doing that every moment of the day. But the question is whether we are going to nurture the world in a reciprocal fashion, or poison him/her for our comfort's sake.

    I suppose I'm going to have to watch the videos to see what you mean about rituals. And I suppose that if I weren't so lazy, I wouldn't blame you for my having to watch those videos.
  10. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    The ritual celebrations were listed.
    I would rather it be a club than a church because then you have to have church administration which costs money so out comes the collection plate. And a church is going to want to provide social services and the like but all the work is is investment of attention and you can be attentive anywhere. Pray to your father in secret who knows you in secret. Communicate what you are inspired to communicate to the community.
    The question is not are we going to nurture but how much are you willing to pollute. There are no idle thoughts and every moment of ignorance is an attack on the sanity of the world.
  11. storch

    storch banned

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    The question is not how much you are willing to pollute, but are you willing to pollute.
  12. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Are you? Bet you are for one reason or another. Perhaps you would like to drive your car if you have one. Perhaps you buy processed foods or manufactured merchandise. The way we live pollutes, causes changes to the environment. How much creature comfort will suffice is the essence of this question.

    If an animal is uncomfortable in the rain it finds shelter. If man is uncomfortable in the rain he throws a roof over his head to keep the rain out. But not just over his head over his living room as well. Where did he get the roof, he put a wound on the land and when he did that he changed drainage patterns on the surface. The roof itself is a foreign collector distributor of natural circulation. Pollution is a congestive failure.
  13. storch

    storch banned

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    Twenty-five years ago a friend of mine got on my ass for wearing leather shoes after I told him I was disgusted with the way animals were treated in the industrial animal farms. I said to him, "Let me get this straight. You're getting on me for making use of your waste product." Then I told him that the shoes were seven years old because I take care of them because I don't take them for granted. I also told him I don't eat meat because it isn't necessary to my survival. He then got on my ass for driving a car.

    I'm not willing to pollute. Those who have taken it upon themselves to rule this world were willing to develop and maintain car engines that run on gasoline rather than hemp-seed oil. I wish they had willed differently, but their minds were polluted by the desire to enrich themselves. And because of this "gold fever," the system masters remain unwilling to evolve in ways that would interfere with the flow of what they decided was wealth. If a better way is not a more profitable way, then they discard it.

    I am not willing to "store" radioactive waste in the ground and foolishly call it contained. I am not willing to spray poison across the land so that the mosquitoes won't bother me. Getting out of this is a process, and I believe it starts with you and I. I am not willing to not try.
  14. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    your just making excuses for being able to continue your lifestyle but you have strong opinions on topics but are hypocritical
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    No need other than the urge/wish to share perhaps?
  16. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    see post 10
  17. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    What would you have us do? There is not one on this planet that is not well wishing at some point. Our protections extend naturally to those things we call our own, no trying about it. The complaint against the environmental standards that everyone agrees should be a good idea is that we have to feed ourselves and we can't afford the investment. If we did that it would make our commodities too precious
    and perhaps that is something to think about.
  18. storch

    storch banned

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    I would not have you do anything. Getting out of this situation is, as I have said, a process. However, I am the only one under my control. If someone asks me, I will tell them what I see and feel, but it would be a mistake to interpret my observation and comment concerning the environment as a complaint; that would be a defensive reaction. And if working with the environment is not economically viable, then the money system is perhaps something to think about.
  19. storch

    storch banned

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  20. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    please see the random thead 2, for a treatment.

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