Hello from England

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Adey, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Adey

    Adey Guest

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    Hi, I am Adey from England. I can't exactly remember how I stumbled upon this community, but it looks interesting. I spend most of my time listening to music, Leonard Cohen is on at the moment, and I like most music. Big fan of Genesis and Prog rock in general with Selling England by the Pound being my introduction in the 70's, and Phideaux more recently. I'm a bit of a sucker for the longer tunes, I do gravitate towards music that has been given time to develop and express itself fully. I also enjoy looking at art and photographic images.

    I look forward to seeing you around the boards.
  2. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    Welcome to here...Explore and enjoy!
  3. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Hi, there are lots of uk about, if your fed up, join in on the games forum, always a chat and a giggle down there...
  4. BeachBall

    BeachBall Nosey old moo

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    Hi Adey :seeya:

    (You're not my cousin Adey, are you???)

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