Well here’s the thing. I’m not really Bi I’m actually an asexual but I would like to chat within this community cause 1 I have a soft spot for the people who swing more than one way. 2 y’all have a lot of interesting stories, the likes of which me being a 24 yr old would like to hear and gain more info on a topic that’s conflicting with me. Intros and likes? Yes you can be unfiltered and now I’ll give my label to you. Iama mixed orientation sex favorable alloace with a kink side that just bursts out when it wants to. Now it’s your turn
Hello! I am a gay-leaving bisexual man discovering new things about myself every day. Soon to complete 66 trips around the sun... it took me a long time to get here. I tried to live straight. Married and raised my family. I realized there was a large part of me that I was suppressing. These last few year I've been exploring and embracing my true self
That’s good to know. Have you gotten around a lot or did you find a select few? Also you can ask me stuff cause we need to clear up some confusion within our community to how we present to others.
I have gotten around a lot. Yes. I have participated in one time sexual encounters which varied in nature and intensity. I have made some friends in the LGBTQ community. I have not been successful in finding a companion or close friend or lover. Even though I believe I would enjoy being in a committed relationship with a same sex partner, I have not had a lasting or open relationship with a same sex partner. I would very much like to learn more from you and know what you meant by what you wrote. I don't have a clue what to ask because, as much as I have heard of the label and term "asexual" I really don't know what it means or what it might be like to be asexual. I know that bisexual people get a lot of flack and misunderstanding from our bros and sisters in the LGBTQ community... the B word... the misrepresented step-child there. So, I imagine that you may feel similarly.
Embracing your "true self" can often be quite daunting and challenging; but CELEBRATING your "true self" (instead of denying it) makes all the differences in the world. Sure hope that your "exploring" will lead to find exactly what you are seeking.....you deserve it!
Well first I have no complications around sex and can perform like any other dude with no problem. Sex favorable means I can enjoy and get down with the freakiness. The mixed orientation is when people whose sexual and romantic attractions do not match. Allo means I do experience attraction in this case I’m romantically attracted. Yes I have kinks and asexuality is for me I’m not innately inclined to bring somebody to bed with me and not being pulled in by just looks, almost as if you don’t have anyone around and are passive. And no booty is my term of endearment to anyone bisexual
Over the last 29 years (I'm 59), my bisexuality has evolved from just being bicurious after my first girlfriend of 3 rocky years broke my heart and my becoming cock-only focussed in fantasy and sexual encounters with men, to gradually fantasizing about more and more with a man (growing from oral to anal to all of the male body and kissing, to eventually fantasizing about being in love with a man and having a boyfriend or husband), but still in real life only desiring his cock, to finally 8 years ago in real life going ape-shit with lust for a guy's ass and finally having intercourse with a man. That changed everything for me, allowing me to get more in touch with my repressed gay side, and loving it. I wanted to scream from the rooftops, "I am bisexual! And I am proud of it!" From then on over these last 8 years I have enjoyed everything sexual with men in the privacy of our homes (the first 21 years it was just anonymous cocksucking in different sex venues like bathhouses). Halfway through those 8 years I was in another rocky relationship with a woman, girlfriend#2, for, again, 3 years, which ended just before the pandemic started. Since then all I'm interested in is exploring my gay side to its fullest extent. I've wanted lots more sex with men, or better yet an FWB, or better yet a boyfriend. Only the pandemic got in the way! Finally, two weeks ago, I had stirrings of romantic feelings for a who-I-thought-was-straight guy who was an acquaintance of mine but we're now becoming friends. I think there's something gay there for both of us on the emotional/romantic side of things that feels no different to me than if he was a woman. So I'm hoping things go from a straight and platonic relationship to a gay loving one. So that is my bisexual life--always being strongly attracted to women and wanting a loving, lifetime partnership with one, to failing with dates with them lifelong, sleeping with only 3 women to date (one a prostitute one time), through powerful cognitive dissonance between gay fantasy and reality, through an ever-growing awakening of my gay side and sex with over 200 men, mostly oral only, to finally a possible romance with a man that I'm overjoyed about. If it doesn't happen with him, I now feel it will happen with another man. It's only taken me 60 years to--maybe--live my truth. That's what it's all about for all of us. Whether it's you with your asexuality, me with my bisexuality, or whomever with their sexuality, it's about understanding and accepting yourself, and loving others.
I'll be 59 this July and have lived a very similar life as you have. Only had sex with four women but experienced mutual oral sex with 100+ men. My present wife is understanding and supportive of my relationship with my man of 12 years. She and I have a loving relationship with occasional sex which is great. She knows, understands, and accepts that my sexual needs lean further to the gay side, I need and desire his cock more often than I need sex with her. She supports this as her sexual desires are diminishing and is happy for me that I have someone to fulfill those needs that she too has had a sexual relationship with. She knows her man is always horny and loves giving and getting blowjobs, she's not always wanting to provide and encourages he and I to full-fill each other's needs as often as needed.
That's interesting that you also have had few women and so many men like me. I kind of feel like kindred spirits with you in that way. Thanks for sharing. Of course, I never made it to marriage with either of my two girlfriends in my life, but I suppose that was all for the best anyway, because my gay desires are just so strong. And living a secret adulterous life with men while married to a woman would be way too much suffering for me, and my wife, who at some level would know. And almost no one has a marital relationship like yours!