Hello all, Well foremost, I'm excited to have joined. I'm female, 25 y.o. and in a 5 year long relationship with a male. I love him with all I could even imagine, but find myself constantly thinking about lesbian sex. I Guess I'm curious Anyways it's nice to meet you all!! ❤️❤️❤️
Hello. I'm 24 and bisexual. I've been in my srraight relationship for five years and have a baby together. I love my bf. Wouldn't have it Amy other way. But when I was younger my childhood friends and I would explore each other bodies. And I love female bodies I don't look at mean because they are unattracting. I've been trying to hold back, but I can't I'm liking women's bodies and want to experiment as an adult I don't wanna ruin my relationship but I want to be with rls. Guys for sentimental stuff and women to play with. I'm super confused I'm always felt this way. I wanna explore a womens body and she mine. I'm just scared of rejection and I've never been with a girl loike that before. But I wanna be. Please help I just wanna be happy and myself. And a woman will !make that happen I just don't know about my boyfriend I don't wanna hurt him. Thank you
Yeah i'm bi 2 or something, there should be a 3rd sex of humans for when males and females don't cut it.