Hi! I just stumbled upon a picture of someone who had a heart shaped nipple! How cool is that! So I was wondering if any of you would know how to get heart shaped nipples. Could I maybe cover up some of my nipples with skin tone ink? Like they do ith cover ups? Thank in advance!
It's a tattoo, look it up! This is what you came across, so you already know, tis cool though http://www.manchesterconfidential.co.uk/health-and-beauty/beauty/the-nipple-tattoo-trend
One of the tattoo artists around here donates nipple tattoos to breast cancer survivors. I remember when he wanted to practice on people. He said he'd do the nipple tattoo, take some pics and cover it up with a rose or something. He'd do it on an arm or somewhere else, just for the practice.
The artist you choose will blend inks to match your areola tone then tattoo the heart around your nipple
the heart is cute, I don't think I will do it though. I don't want to mess with my nipples. you could probably get a tattoo... have your nipples on both sides slightly enlarged to make the heart shape on both sides. Made me think of other body modifications people do. Like Bagel heads done with saline solutions which is trending in some places.
Would piercing it be a form of heartbreak? Also, if one were to bite down on it too hard to the point that it breaks the skin, would you be able to classify the individual as a bleeding heart liberal or libertarian? These are serious questions that need to be answered.