First thought of the universe, if the universe were created right now consisting of everything you know and you don't know if people know that or not? ------- \ | / ~ + ~ , |
There's an infinite number of ways to question reality when in all likelihood things are as they seem
first thought of this thread, if this thread were created right now consisting of this thread and if not people this thread or maybe if this thread were not this thread or not?
what was the question? created all at once? no. how does a universe have unhealthy thoughts? as they seem is first, that you can stub your toe, no matter what you believe. this suggests that something else exists besides yourself and your thinking about it. now everything else we experience about it, we do that in our own heads, but that stubbing your toe still happens. there are two things we can be reasonably certain; 1> some things happen more often then others and 2> some things happen more often when other things happen first. everything else is details, most of which are somewhat less certain, at least as to their accuracy. also nothing owes anything to what we think we know about it. we can twiddle what goes in, and observe what comes out when we do. i'm pretty sure the universe, as such, is not as such, a thinking mechanism. though it also owes nothing to my thinking so.