Healthcare CEO Assassinated, Killer Arrested!

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by Toker, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    The CEO of United Healthcare was assassinated a couple of days ago. Some attribute the motivation to the company now using faulty AI to deny claims. Perhaps someone died as a result and this was a revenge killing?

    Apparently these health executives get death threats all the time. I'm wondering if the TV series the Jackel inspired the shooter.

    The US seems to be heading for more violence, as people get more angry at the rich Elite fleecing us while they get richer. How much longer are people gonna put up with this shit!
    scratcho likes this.
  2. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    Try to live your life in such a manner that your death doesn't spark a nationwide debate on justifiable homicide.
  3. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    Every single comment about the killing was 'great, he had it coming' and everyone shared some bullshit their insurance company did to them... Self included....they tortured me for a year denying my back surgery until it blew out..causing yet more damage...

    I wonder who would be foolish enough to step into his job.. People have just had enough of the insurance bullshit. Those guys are making a killing - filling their pockets while draining ours. Every year, premiums go up, coverage gets's almost expected....well, what do we lose this year?

    I did enjoy that he wrote on the shells, 'delay, deny, defend'....that is a statement.
    Whirlwind83, scratcho and Toker like this.
  4. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    I'd really like to feel more empathy for the victim, but that would require preauthorization, the shooter was out-of-network, and acute lead poisoning isn't covered under his plan.

    Whirlwind83, scratcho and Toker like this.
  5. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    Too bad the shooter wasn't a little smarter about it. Too many cameras, they have his face pic now....I mean, grow a beard, bleach your hair, wear glasses...put some thought into it. But a crime of passion, I guess you just reach a point where it's fuck it, I'm shooting this bastard....
  6. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Sure, that's just great. Shoot anyone who heads a company you don't agree with.

    Watch your backs Skip and Zen.
    riverman18 likes this.
  7. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    You guys are safe...
  8. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    "My thoughts and prayers are out-of-network"
    scratcho and Whirlwind83 like this.
  9. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    Ridiculous, no comparison.

    At some point something has to give everyone tried we elected Trump we elected Biden these sacks of shit own both parties nothing changes.

    This massive outbreak of support for the shooter is like a slave rebellion.
    Toker likes this.
  10. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    He knows how to do fake IDs so if he doesn't go home where people knew him its a big country and that wanted picture not that good at all I think only people who saw him before would be like that's the dude. I guess if he loses the cameras but people have to sleep and checking into hotels how stressful did they recognize me how do you sleep ?

    This is way more interesting then Diddy.
  11. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    I doubt it was just about a disagreement between two people, although that's often a reason people murder.

    It's about institutionalized sucking of resources from the many to the very elite few. It's about endless Capitalistic greed.

    It's about a system that is inherently unfair, rigged, with AI programmed to maximize profit without concern for the human consequences.

    In other words, Capitalism's wet dream. It's time people do what they have to, to level the field. It doesn't need to be murder or a bloody coup.

    It's about being informed and making conscientious choices at the ballot box. Manipulated people voted for this in their ignorance.

    Example: if you think this was about a personal disagreement then you are not well informed about this company and the harms it has inflicted upon thousands of people including in many cases, death. Read about the lawsuits against United healthcare and realize this is only the tip of the iceberg
    Whirlwind83 and scratcho like this.
  12. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    There are people in this thread who are supporting a murderer:
    "I did enjoy that he wrote on the shells, 'delay, deny, defend'....that is a statement."
    "Too bad the shooter wasn't a little smarter about it."
    "This massive outbreak of support for the shooter is like a slave rebellion."

    Welcome to Trump world, where there are no rules and violence is the answer.
    You people can rationalize all you want about the "system" and the need for violence, I, for one, do not support murder.

    We went through this in the sixties with the Weathermen. Did that work?

    But when you talk about destruction
    Don't you know that you can count me out.

    This is not a site that promotes violence of any kind.​
    riverman18, Bazz888 and Tishomingo like this.
  13. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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    A study in the American Journal of Public Health estimates that 35,327 to 44,789 people die in the U.S. each year because of being denied adequate access to care by the private insurance industry; an average of one death every twelve minutes. The U.S. is the only country in the industrialized world whose health care is monetized, commodified, and dominated by for-profit corporations; per capita we spend twice as much as other comparable countries while having the lowest life expectancy and the highest infant and maternal death rates in the industrialized world. 66.5% of all personal bankruptcies and 57% of all home foreclosures are caused by medical bills, despite 92% having health insurance; something that doesn't happen anywhere else in the world. As the past week on social media will attest, virtually every American in the country has a horror story to tell regarding the private insurance industry.

    I understand your scolding and general bewilderment of how so many adults can react to the death of an insurance CEO as if they were Ewoks celebrating the explosion of the Death Star, but I get the spontaneous expression of long-suppressed feelings of collective trauma...distasteful as some might find it to be.

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
    Whirlwind83, Toker and scratcho like this.
  14. JackHoff

    JackHoff Newbie

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    Could this be the start of a delete the elite movement?
    Timsk and Toker like this.
  15. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    The U.S. voters have elected a man who promises to "fix" healthcare by eliminating the ACA and replacing it with some unknown thing he has a concept of.

    They can take those "long-suppressed feelings of collective trauma" and stick it where the Sun don't shine.

    They deserve everything they voted for.
    scratcho and Toker like this.
  16. Wally Pitcher

    Wally Pitcher Members

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    My suspicious mind leads me to wonder how a lone Individual pulled this off so smoothly without help. I cannot help but think of the Kennedy Assassination and compare it to the two feeble attempts on Trump. The head of United Health Care is a very influential person of a powerful corporation. I cannot wait to see who is the next CEO and what their Political connections are.
    Toker likes this.
  17. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    I guess you don't know what's going on right now on every other social network about this. We are nothing compared to that. And yes Trump has OKd Americans using violence, cause there's "good people" doing it, and he "loves" them. So take it up with him and the militias that support him. Yeah, like Hipforumers are gonna take up arms. Geez.
    Whirlwind83 and Piobaire like this.
  18. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    Btw, I see the assassination as this man's karma. It was going to get him sooner or later.

    Now the shooter's karma is tied to this man, and he will get his. So far it seems to have taken the form of applause across the net.

    I call 'em as I see 'em. And people are entitled to their opinions.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
    Whirlwind83 likes this.
  19. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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  20. TheGreatShoeScam

    TheGreatShoeScam Members

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    Timsk likes this.

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