Hello, awwww . There are rumours what could have happend during his absence. Maybe he will shed some light on the mysterious adventures he had experienced . Regards Gyro
hello, i'm sorry to disappoint, but my story is not terribly exciting. i've just been busy with work and having a bit of a social life. well that and the whole saving the world thing of course, but that's a story for another thread. i came back just for you. :love:
Hello, no problem, I'm sure we can extend the stories that are already circulating and make them terrible exicting . Social life? What's that? I've never heard that term. Regards Gyro
a relationships board where people can go and get helpful advice and not be mocked mercilessly? how awful, i feel like i've let you all down. no idea, it's just the cover story they told me to give everyone. well yeah, i wouldn't really be an arch nemesis otherwise, just a one-off bad guy.