I have met a few people in my life that I have questioned to be a psychic or not and it's very borderline. My buddy used to predict the future using metaphors, it was usually accurate. The only problem was since he spoke in tongues he had a tendency to speak irrationally or just absolute rubbish on social occasions, which sucked because he was a super awesome guy. Nobody knew what the fuck he was talking about unless he was speaking in metaphors; and even then everyone would just zone out. hes off in ND atm.... man I miss him... Someone else was this white witch I used to play sex with. She could just see things that others couldn't, like the kind of cat to see what your talking about, then some more. A clairvoyance ability she felt highly for, for the most part she was just reading personality but the amount of skill she put into it showed more than intelligence. like.. Id be smoking hookah, say something, then middle of a hit she would start talking about what im thinking about. Crazy cool girl. But yeah, anyone got some psychic stories they would like to share? This section of the forum is pretty much full of affirmations of self, lets change that!
I know a man who is psychic. He'd tell me all kinds of things that were accurate on a daily basis. One day I told him I was going to the store with my mom. When I got back he described to me what the shirt looked like that my mom had worn and he told me that she'd bought some kind of hat with elastic on it. He was correct about the shirt and the hat. She'd bought a shower cap. He'd tell me things about the room I was sitting in at the time - like how it was decorated. He told me that I lived in a place with lots of frogs. Correct again - I had lots of little frog lawn ornaments tucked in places all over the yard. Another time he told me that my son had a toothache and what part of his mouth it was in. He is a naturopath and he uses his gift to help heal people.
Psychic is such a broad thing because psyche has many functions. Clairvoyance is one aspect but clairaudience is another. A clairvoyant psychic does not necessarily have clairaudience (also called "the divine ear"). Here is a list of psychic abilities but I'd say this list is far from exhaustive. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_psychic_abilities
Yeah, I've met a psychic. I had a session with one. During the session, I asked if there's anything to the idea that there are such things as psychics. She closed here eyes and went into what seemed to be a semi-trance state. In about twenty seconds, she opened her eyes and then shook her head slowly. "No," she said. I said, "OK. So, are you going to charge me for this?" She said, "No. Under the circumstances, I wouldn't feel right." But seriously, I know a guy in his mid-twenties who works as a blacksmith; he deals with horseshoes and things of that nature. He happens to also be a shaman of sorts who is into casting spells and using energy against others. A friend of his lost an argument with me and took it pretty hard. So he went to his blacksmith friend and asked him to work his magic against me. Now, I'm no babe in the woods when it comes to this kind of thing, and I'm able to sense when . . . things are going on. So, now they're both on their asses wishing for better days. The impetuousness of youth. Young men can be so . . . young. LOL! But to be honest, I've never seen either of them in person. But that's hardly necessary.
I do not call myself a psychic. I have figured out after so many reads that I am a seer. Things are shown and told to me plus I can feel others energy. I pick up on their happiness or sadness and where they have had pain before. I also have met real gifted people that can get many direct connects about a person place or thing.
She didn't call herself a psychic, but she beat everybody she ever played cards with. You got yourself 3 of a kind? Ohhhh--too bad. She has a straight. Full house? Uh-uh. She went out looooong before she spent any $ on that hand. She was amazing. Happened in casinos too. I saw it. She was uncanny. A friend of hers asked her to go to Washington to pick apples. My friend (my girl friend) said no thanks--going to Hawaii. We met there. She had a dream and in the dream, she and her friend were being beckoned by what she called -an ENTITY-to enter a cabin in the woods. In the dream--she felt frightened and declined entering and backed off while her friend entered. Months later when we came to the mainland to visit----her mother said upon seeing us---"Oh, M_______, did you hear what happened to Beverly? Turns out--her friend was killed in a cabin in the Washington woods. That was early 70s. I never knew who killed that girl until about 2 or 3 years ago when I read an Ann Rule book which made her story a feature. Only time I have ever had a psychic type situation was when my first cat got run over on a different island from where I was working. I knew it immediately, somehow. Stopped working, called my room mate on Maui and she was crying and apologizing for running over my poor little cat with my car. That's about it.
A number of years ago after meditating regularly on the spot between my eyes, I was riding in a truck with someone and dropping their wife off at work. For no reason I got images in my head of ancient Rome and the colluseum, he was going on about the contestants on celebrity bullriding reality show, he named off some of the celebrities on there, he says to me "and there was a contestant who was on that gameshow about the red team versus the blue team" and I replied "American Gladiators?" and he responded "yes", the hair on my arms stodd up and he looked startled, I explained to him what had happened. It was pretty spooky, but you don't have to believe me, but it did actually happen.
Yes. And damnit, she was right. Except in one thing, that I decided wasn't going to happen and I changed that outcome. And I paid for it too. But I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Never had a psychic reading before but seen many of them. I attend psychic fairs every now and again, they were holding one today at Beardslee Castle, didnt get a chance to go, hope to catch the next one. Went to it last year wasnt very big, but had readings, gemstones, and hand made wiccan/pagan supplies. One merhant i talked to was pleasant and bubbly. (Most of the people you meet at these fair's are pleasant.) You could always attend one and get a reading.
This is exactly what I fear with people beliefs in the psychic realms. Basically your psychic has give you an idea and placed that idea in your head that you've obviously followed through and therefor believe they were right but you've also just said that you yourself changed an outcome all by yourself so where's the psychology in all that? What were they right about if you changed it for yourself? If it were really a psychic vision, wouldn't it have come true altogether without your personal suggestions about what you did and didn't want to come true? If a psychic tells someone that they'll have a baby with dark black hair, I can almost guarantee you that person will never try and mate with a red head if they truly believe in what the psychic has told them. And so when they purposely live their lives to better the chances of the psychic reading, then all that is, is a simple idea that's been planted that you're living to strive towards. And if it happens you'll be like "oh see that psychic was correct" but you've done it for yourself, had nothing to do with them..
i carried on a rather long conversation with someone once, without ever vocalizing a single word. my thoughts are so loud, not by choice, they just are. maybe they were reading my face or the smell of my sweat or something, i don't know, but the 'conversation' followed the direction i chose for my thoughts. i'm not sure they even noticed my lips weren't moving, and no, i'm not a ventriloquist either. it wasn't anything i was doing intentionally either. just one of those odd little things that sometimes happen. now psycic prediction, i have to agree that's mostly a matter of ambiguity. if you exaust the list of things that could happen, whatever does, you will have at some point mentioned it.
I've met people who claim that they are psychic or mediums. I'm not sure if I truly believed them though. A lot of the things they said didn't match up at all with what was happening in my life so I disregarded with what they said.
I have never met a real psychic, I don't believe there is such a thing as being psychic. I used to pretend at it though, only because I am extremely good at reading people and guessing things when I first meet them. It's all in the psychology of reading people, for me at least.