I have too much self-respect to be sexual with someone who I do not find attractive, and to much respect for others to occupy someone I'm not totally into instead of leaving them free to find someone more passionate about them.
I have always been a real "face" guy. I have turned down sex from women with hot bodies because I wasn't into their face. Stupid, I know.
I know it sounds like being PC but really I don't have use for the term butterface. Turning someone down because you are not attracted to them (even if it seems its only her face) is not that stupid at all.
well, not if you're able to have sex with someone attractive. if someone unattractive is the only option you're ever going to have, the decision gets a little trickier.
This may come across the wrong way but one time...when I was younger...I had a situation with numerous local girls wanting to screw me and there was a lot of drama. I was amused by it at the time and had my own interests going on but I knew a mess when I saw one. I decided to step back and not play with any of them. But there was an older woman who wasn't really a "butterface" but she was close. She was actually a very nice person and someone who I liked a lot. So we had a thing for a while. No strings attached. We just hung out as friends and had sex when we wanted to.
Nobody has that as the only option. Well, perhaps if someone thinks they only get attracted to hot faces and are unlucky in that department themselves. Yeah, I see no other option for them to go for people they are not attracted to at all :dizzy2: