im obsessed with my kitty named buttercup i always need to be around her an dknow where she is and what she is doing im like a prick parent lol
Hi, I think we have our first pervert here. Welcome to this thread, you can speak freely here! Love, bird.
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex* *But Were Afraid To Ask It's one of the greatest movies ever!
i'm in love with everyone and everything. the wind...the trees, the sun, the moon. the rain, the ocean, lakes, mountains, and every person or animal i've ever met. YES! i am serious.
Although I have no sexual feelings for him, I desperately love my kitty Dusty. I got a loan for $750 which I will be repaying for a year to save his dear little life. He rubs noses with me and kisses me all the time. Yeah, I love him a lot.