Has Anyone Read The Dinner By Herman Koch?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by AmericanTerrorist, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    I read it the other day. I had no idea what it was when I got it out from the library. I am a compulsive reader, in the sense that if I don't have a current book I feel.. not right. Since having kids I only go through a book or two a week, instead of my, in past years, book every day or two. That said, I have never been one to join a book club or discuss books. Just... off with one, on with the next.

    However, when I finished The Dinner (I think the fact that I hadn't heard any of the hype about it, in fact had heard nothing about it helped) I spent a couple hours on my phone on goggle looking at different forums.... with questions of who was the sociopath and what was the illness, etc., etc.

    In any case, I enjoyed it even though most literary characters are likable, it's interesting to read about a sociopath and not realize it right away.

    That said, today I got out "Summer House with a Pool" by the same author from the library. Same style of book... but I have a feeling that now that I know about Koch's exact style of writing it won't shock me. Not only that but I heard bad reviews.

    Anyways if anyone has read The Dinner I would love to discuss a few things that were left wide open... whether or not the main character actually did certain violent acts or if they were in his head....and just who the father of his "son" is.

    Mod, move to the book forum if necc.
  2. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    there's hype about this book? i feel like i may have heard the title at some point, but that may just be because i like to eat.

    i also am not sure that i agree that most literary characters are likable. i want to beat the shit out of a lot of protagonists i've come across.
  3. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Not my type of book; the last book I read was Reflections in Bullough's Pond: Economy and Ecosystem in New England by Diana Muir

  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    if i'm gonna read politics i'll read nome chomsky or naomi cline. or michael moore, or someone like that.
    but mostly if i'm gonna read for real knowledge i'll stick to tecno stuff, and if i wan't entertainment that doesn't depend on characters acting like idiots i'll turn to real science fiction.

    actually since computers and the internet came along, i haven't been reading nearly as much as i did before they did.

    with the corporate mob trying to turn the internet into just another tv channel, i may return to reading yet.

    as long as i can make my own art and post it for free where people can comment and be inspired to think their own thoughts by it, i'll continue to do so though.

    and to promote as a universal right for everyone else to be able to do so too.

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