Hardest To Forget He who forgets the past is destined to repeat it. He who forgets he’s still living for the future, Is Destined, To Become Ancient History! He who forgets he’s livin’ in the past, Is certain, to confront their future, Sooner then they CAN imagine! He who, Almost Never, Forgets, Knows, what is hardest to forget! Knows, what’s easy to remember! Knows! What All, Might, Only Live! Knows, somehow without knowing! Chance Favors the Unprepared Mind! The invisible enemy, is the only enemy, When we encourage each other to ignore, What’s obviously missing from this picture! (George Santayana)
I just wrote this here over the course of an couple of hours, and haven't had time to examine it in detail, but the contextual vagueness it uses is entirely new to me and extremely valuable in the way it conflates the identity of memories, dreams, nightmares, and habits in a nonlinear fashion. This is what is called the "Short Form" which the little kids are the acknowledged masters of. Nobody comes up with better short bullshit fuzzy logic than kids.
Hardest To Forget You just can’t get agreement in this present tense, We all speak a different language, talking in defense. We only sacrifice the future, its the bitterness that lasts. He who forgets the past is always destined to repeat it, Whilst He Who Remembers becomes eternally fated, To wish They Never remembered some things! To wish they could Forget quite a few things! Yet, he who forgets their Future Lies ahead! Is forever destined to go down in History! Confronting, their Unimaginable future! Much Sooner Then They Can Imagine! Making them wish they could forget! Making them wish life made sense! Wish they had tried to remember, Wish their heart was more open. He Whose Heart, Never Forgets! Knows what is hardest to Forget! Knows what’s Easy to remember! Knows! What All, Might Only Live! Knows, somehow without knowing! Knows Somehow, Knowing Nothing! Chance Favors The Unprepared Mind! Nature Favors whatever comes around! The Invisible Enemy is our Only Enemy! The Roaring Silence is our Only Warning! Comfortably Numb, Is As Good As It Gets! When We Encourage Each Other, To Ignore! What’s, Blatantly, Missing From This Picture! For once You Have Eliminated the Impossible! Whatever Remains Can Only Be Highly Improbable! The Spark Within All cannot die, but must be nurtured! Look Before You Leap For As Yea Sow So Shall Yea Reap! Learn how to laugh, as if you didn’t have a care in the world! Dance as if nobody is watching, sing as if there’s no tomorrow! (George Santayana, Louis Pasteur, Sherlock Holmes, Samuel Butler)
Hardest To Forget We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, For only in this Fashion can we hope to make faster progress! You just can’t get Agreement in this present tense, We all speak a different language talking in defense. We only sacrifice the future its the bitterness that lasts. We only Sacrifice the present protecting what once was! Yet he who forgets the past is destined to repeat it again, What comes around goes around and around yet again! Whilst He Who Innocently Remembers Remains Fated! To know what it means, To Wish to remain ignorant! To wish They Could Never remember some things! To wish it were possible to Unhear what is heard! To wish somehow life Could Truly be different! To Wish they could Forget quite a few things! But he who forgets their Future Lies ahead! Is forever destined to go down in History! Confronting, their Unimaginable future! Much Sooner Then They Can Imagine! Making them wish they could forget! Making them wish life made sense! Wish they had tried to remember, Wish their heart was more open. He Whose Heart, Never Forgets! Knows what is hardest to Forget! Knows what’s Easy to remember! Knows! What All, Might Only Live! Knows, somehow without knowing! Knows Somehow, Knowing Nothing! Chance Favors The Unprepared Mind! Nature Favors whatever comes around! The Invisible Enemy is our Only Enemy! The Roaring Silence is our Only Warning! Comfortably Numb, Is As Good As It Gets! When We Encourage Each Other To Ignore! What’s, Blatantly, Missing From This Picture! For once You Have Eliminated the Impossible! Whatever Remains Can Only Be Highly Improbable! The Spark Within All cannot die but must be nurtured! Embracing Golden Silence We Can All Learn To Be Still! Look Before You Leap For As Yea Sow So Shall Yea Reap! Remain rooted, when Bumbling down a road less traveled! Reach out to others, to Discover what Life is really all about! Learn how to Laugh, as if you didn’t have a care in the world! Dance as if nobody is watching! Sing as if there’s no tomorrow! Set Your Words Free and see if they bother to come back to you! Life is for the Living, while elaborate explanations are for history! Listening to your own beating Heart, is what living life is all about! If you aren’t sure where yer going, then you might already be there! Making Over Ninety Percent Of This Game Half-Mental Head-Trips! SAY IT LOUD, SAY IT CLEAR: You Can Listen As Well As You Hear! ( Richard Feynman, Mike and the Mechanics, George Santayana, Louis Pasteur, Pink Floyd, Sherlock Holmes, Samuel Butler, William Purkey, Yogi Berra)
Hardest To Forget I hear the drums echoin’ tonight she hears only whispers. Doesn’t matter what I say so long as I say it with inflection. Her moonlight wings reflect The stars my guiding salvation! Mama didn’t raise no damn Fools, Insisting we worked hard! To become the complete Blithering Idiots we turned out to be! We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible! For only in this fashion can any hope to Make faster Progress! When you can no longer Identify, you have identified nothing! You can tell when you’ve got it Right by its elegant simplicity! What works, works, while Explanations are for philosophers! Occam’s Razor turns into Goldilocks nightmare! You just can’t Get Agreement in this present tense, We all speak a different language Talking in defense. We only sacrifice the Future its the bitterness that lasts. We Only Sacrifice the present Protecting what once was. Yet he who forgets the past is destined to repeat it again, What comes around goes around and around yet again! While He Who Innocently Remembers Remains Fated! To Know what It Means To Wish to remain Ignorant! To Wish they had never come to know some things! To wish they Could Never remember some things! To wish it were possible to Unhear what is heard! To wish they could Un-see What’s already seen! To wish somehow life could truly be Different! To Wish they could forget quite a few things! But he who forgets their Future Lies ahead! Is destined to go down in History forever! Confronting, their Unimaginable future! Much Sooner Then They Can Imagine! Making them wish they could forget! Making them wish life made sense! Wish they had tried to remember! Wish their heart was more open. He Whose Heart, Never Forgets! Knows what is hardest to Forget! Knows! what’s Easy to remember! Knows! What All Might Only Live! Knows, somehow without knowing! Knows Somehow, Knowing Nothing! Chance Favors The Unprepared Mind! Nature Favors whatever comes around! The Invisible Enemy is our Only Enemy! The Roaring Silence is Our only Warning! Comfortably Numb, Is As Good As It Gets! When We Encourage Each Other, To Ignore! What’s, Blatantly, Missing From This Picture! For once You Have Eliminated the Impossible! You have narrowed down everybody’s choices! The Spirit won’t invest itself in any compromise! Harmony flourishes Never making any demands! Discord Flourishes Making endless new Demands! Once you’ve exhausted all the possible alternatives! Whatever Remains, Can Only Be Highly Improbable! Reality is for those who watched the Wrong Cartoons! The Spark Within All, cannot die but must be nurtured! Embracing Golden Silence Our World Learns To Be Still! Look Before You Leap For As Yea Sow So Shall Yea Reap! Remain rooted When Bumbling Down a road less traveled! Reach out to others to Discover what Life Is Really all about! Learn how to Laugh, as if you didn’t have a care in the world! Dance as if nobody is watching! Sing as if there’s no tomorrow! Set Your Words Free and see if they bother to come back to you! Life is for the Living while elaborate explanations are for history! Listening to your own beating Heart is what living life is all about! If you aren’t sure where yer going then you might already be There! Making Over Ninety Percent of This Game, Half-Mental Head-Trips! You could have a steam Train if you would just lay down your Tracks! Shout, shout, shout it all out, these are the things we can all do without! Everybody’s Talkin’ at me I can’t hear a word they’re saying only the TV! Hello, hello, hello, is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me… Murmuring contentedly, mere babbling in our ears, with no real significance, Whenever the lights are left on, because there’s Nobody Home but us chickens! Ya don’t need a weatherman to know the boob tube was left on too damned long! Especially, when they start to enjoy arguing nonstop with their own boob tube over! Heroes for ghosts, hot ashes for trees, hot air for a cool breeze, cold comfort for change! Did you exchange a walk on part in the war, for a lead role in Neverending Armegedon? ( Toto, Blues Traveler, Richard Feynman, Mike and the Mechanics, George Santayana, Louis Pasteur, Pink Floyd, Sherlock Holmes, Robert Fritz, Samuel Butler, William Purkey, Yogi Berra, Harry Nilsson, Peter Gabriel, Tears For Fears)
So, I think this last update is pretty much the final version. I'm particularly satisfied to have been able to extrapolate the logic of Sherlock Holmes in this poem, which has puzzled quite a few people I know. Sherlock famously said, "Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be true!" Where his logic gets funky is in the assumption he can eliminate the impossible, and here I extrapolate all the analog logic contained in his simple statement, summing it up as "Reality is for those who watched all the wrong cartoons!" The implied assertion being, that the truth is greater than anyone's ideas about reality, and we can only live our truth in order to comprehend it better. In particular, I was looking for this extrapolation because it describes how classical logic transforms into bullshit fuzzy logic and quantum mechanics, expressing nonlinear temporal dynamics. Only recently have experimental physicists turned their keen attention on the subject of nonlinear temporal dynamics, as a way express what is known as "symmetry breaking". The LHC indicated the Higgs mass is around 126gev which is an absurd figure nobody predicted, because it implies you require even higher powered cosmic ray experiments to settle the issue of supersymmetry. In other words, all the experiments indicate there is symmetry breaking including CP violations, but it is so slight it is ridiculously difficult to measure. For practical purposes, that means we can often view time as flowing backwards as information, and eliminating any metaphysical and conceptual extremes in the same manner a Feynman diagram suggests. Even whether our universe is ultimately random or fated remains a mystery, because all our measurements indicate 42 is as good an answer as anyone will ever get. Hence, instead of thinking merely in terms of linear causality, we can also think in terms of the symmetry of the humble and elegant simplicity of any context and its contents. Mass can move independently slower than light and, collectively, faster than light. The future can thought of as determining the past, but only because the past determines the future, and the two can be considered a self-organizing system that is ultimately powered by magic or the collective unconscious.