Happy independence day to all my friends across the pond! Been one whole year since the Brexit vote, June 23 2016! For the first time in its history, the nation that many countries have celebrated independence from, has it's own day of independence! Cheers mates!
Not as much damage as the last two times Germany tried to control the whole of europe I can guarantee !
OP is kind of theatrical (as usual). The thing here is: democracy has spoken (the result is partially thanks to the apathic nonvoters) and will be respected. It is not like all ties will be broken (in fact most are not ). The independance is all relative anyway. The benefits the brexit is supposed to bring the UK are very arguable and doubtful. Time will tell.
I think your comment was equally stupid. In fact, it reminds me of my old Mother who will now and then come up with stuff like 'we should have killed every one of them at the end of the war'. She has the excuse that she was a kid during the war and was deeply traumatized. You don't. 'Guys' is irrelevant. I'm not part of a group. Just stating my own view.
Yes - time will tell. This triumphalism over the vote may turn out to be misplaced.But it plays to some people's emotions. Not much point in spelling out yet again what concerns me. We'll just have to wait and see.
No I was Born after the war ! but what gave you the Idea that I carry on like that ? I dont hate Germans ( or anyone else for that matter ) I just believe that europe ruled by one central government is a Bad Idea We joined a common market not a superstate !
Explain this then http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/09/06/europe-forges-ahead-with-plans-for-eu-army/
As for me, I'd welcome a European super-state. But I don't think that's really on the agenda right now, despite what the right wing press in the UK like to rant on about. Give it 10 or 15 years anyway, and the younger generation will have taken control. I don't think all that hand on heart patriotic stuff really appeals to them on the whole.
Independence allows individuality - it is the interaction that one has with others which sees moreover problems
I thought this might be a paradoy celebration for all those none good drunken Irish going to America or something.