Well it's that time of year again, Fertility Day, otherwise known as Isthar, or as some prefer Easter. Now, Fertility Day falls on one of the days after the first full moon before the last frost sometime in late March or early April. It's very confusing. The important thing to remember though is the fertility aspect. We can see this in Isthar's symbols of fertility, the egg and the bunny rabbit. What you need to do on this day is celebrate the awakening of all the little plants and the fun time all the little bunnies and other assorted critters will soon be having as they "hook up" with each other. You can do this by employing the ancient rite of Marching out to your local plowed field, (or if you live in the city a nearby produce stand or produce department in your local grocery store) and awakening Mother Earth by fornicating right there in the open with whomever happens to be around at the time. This ensures an abundant crop this fall and will keep us all from starving. Now if you fail in your duties of awakening the Earth, boys and girls, food shortages will start by early fall leading to demonstrations, riots, and full scale urban warfare by November 8th resulting in Donald Trump being elected President of the U.S. of A. Now just because you live in Europe, G.B., Canada, Australia, China, or some other God forsaken place doesn't relieve you of your duty, Mother Earth is the entire Earth after all. So don't make us poor U.S.A. people end up with the Trump dude just because you didn't want to get a little field dirt on your butt. Let's review: Fertility Day. Isthar. Eggs and bunnies. Get out in a field and do it. Better to be screwed now than later. At least that's what I'll be telling my wife.....we'll see if it works.
i'll second that emotion, even if i thing humans are maybe a little bit too furtile for as long as we typically live this days, and if anything i'd rather live longer then less. but smaller and few families and with them a shrinking population would be a good thing. estarte is a good name for a goddess, even if, like all such names, its only one we've made up ourselves. henfruit aren't something i ordinarily buy and i can't remember for sure when was the last time i actually did. pretty sure it had to have been at least three or four years ago. i eat them at jack or ihop occassionally, or at the group picnic, when someone brings deviled ones. ostara, probably a better spelling. she'd be more then welcome to drop by for tea.