happy Eoster Not Easter

Discussion in 'Paganism' started by Gone and forgotten, Apr 21, 2019.

  1. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    The key is that this book likely used an 19th century pseudo-historic source. If so, its not based on fact (edit: regarding the mention of the name Ostara at least! Don't know about the rest of course. It seems interesting :))
    This is where Himmler went wrong too. In his eagerness to identify the german people (or better said: the third reich) with ancient germanic tribes and paganism he cared less about accuracy and more about forging something new with a tendency to glorify and romanticize.

    Counterparts of gods or goddesses in other cultures can not always be unified with eachother. Like, it often can between greek and roman. But not always between norse and roman or greek. Or etruskan or spanish celts, etc. All european pagans.

    Frigg(a) would at first be the norse counterpart of Ostara. But she's often unified with Freya, even though there also are distinctive differences (Frigg is not vanir for example).

    I felt like pointing it out clearly as you seemed to try to put it the other way around :eek:
    Glad we appear to be on the same page about the facts anyway :)
    Okiefreak likes this.
  2. quark

    quark Parts Unknown

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    Happy oyster.

    Irminsul likes this.
  3. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Black easter cult :-D
  4. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    Don't fear the Eoster
    neonspectraltoast likes this.
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  6. Fake Christians would be the ones celebrating Easter and mixing thier god Jesus up in a pagan festival. Did Jesus tell his disciples to celebrate his resurrection and name it Easter? I
    Irminsul likes this.
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    In the old testaments God was pretty direct when he told humans not to mass worship him or his son. The actual idea of mass according to old testament is such a hypocrisy. They revised this in the new testament however, because mass creates more money and easier to manipulate people as a whole than as individuals.
  8. Probably should have said "hoppy" Eoster to acknowledge the Eoster bunny.
    Rahab likes this.
  9. Easter bunny, candy, eggs!! Jesus! And people celebrate Easter and they don’t even believe in Jesus! What a dumb tradition.
    What a great way to ruin a pagan festival
  10. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Maybe you can join some heathen communities that celebrate how you desire?

    I celebrate on my own with gardening, that's why I leave all my hedging etc. Until Easter weekend, even though I know the actual Easter weekend has been rigged to specifically not fall on the lunar cycle to try and erase any previous knowledge that it was based around Ostara, I'm still able to actively do this during whatever week of April I desire. I prefer Easter weekend though. :)
  11. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    eggs actly. just not bunny eggs. those aren't eggs. and its past my bed time. waaay past.
  12. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I wonder when I hear things like 'a great way to ruin a pagan festival' how it was that people decided to abandon their pagan goddesses and gods and turn to Christianity in the first place?
    In Britain, there was no force used on people.Only persuasion. They converted because presumably Christianity offered something new that wasn't part of the old beliefs.

    I'm not making a value judgement here about who may have been right or wrong. Just saying.
    Okiefreak likes this.
  13. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Well speaking specifically about Ostara/Saxons, they converted to Christianity by being murdered until they did. Like most of Europe. The vikings held onto their gods the longest, the Christianize of Norway was very brutal and violent, until they submissed to Christianity. In fact they fought so hard for their own culture, the Christians ended up saying that their Norse beliefs weren't inaccurate, just the man and woman than came out of Yggdrasil at the end of the world, that was the rebirth of Adam & Eve, that Oden and Thor etc. were "older" Gods that had died.
  14. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Your ignorance may be showing again. Where in "the old testaments" (sic) does God say not to mass worship him. or his son? The only condemnation of public prayer in the Bible is in the New Testament, by Jesus with reference to the Pharisees. Your use of the term "mass" is weird, because it seems to conflate "mass" in the sense of "a large body of people" with "mass" a common name for the Catholic divine liturgy. The latter term is from Latin, either from massa (Greek maza ) for bread, a reference to the eucharist, or from the concluding words "misa" , meaning sent (into the world to practice the graces received). Equating mass the crowd with mass the eucharist or the mission is an example of a homonym (not to be confused with "homo" , man or, slang for gay): words that look or sound the same but have a different meaning. The comments about a mercenary motive have no foundation in fact and show bigotry.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
    BlackBillBlake likes this.
  15. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Assuming there was such a festival to begin with.
  16. You know what they say about the word assume
  17. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Maybe things were different on the continent of Europe than they were in Britain. I have to admit I don't know, having never studied the conversion of Northern Europe in any detail.

    In Britian though, which is where Bede was writing about the Anglo-Saxon goddess, it was all peaceful in terms of the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons and the Celtic people who were here before the Romans. There was some remnant of Christianity left behind by the Romans when they left, and later on, Irish monks came over and finished off the job of conversion. I've never really come across any accounts of violence being used as a method of conversion in general in Britain. Maybe there are exceptions - I don't claim to have a comprehensive knowledge of that period, and in fact, only a certain amount is known.

    Vikings, who came to Britain looking for land to settle, were often offered 'deals' by the existing inhabitants, to enocourage them to be peaceful and desist from raids. They'd be given a bit of land and could settle. Some of the Vikings didn't take it too seriously - one chieftan, referring to the large number of treaties he'd made which included baptism, said he could boast 'over 50 of such washings'. I always found that quite amusing.
    As far as I'm aware, force was not generally used to convert Vikings here - mostly I think the second generation settlers probably wanted to integrate into the general culture and so converted.

    By the time of the Norman conquest in 1066, Britain was fully Christian, although I have read (can't recall where) that at the Battle of Hastings, the Anglo-Saxons under Harold used an old Pagan war cry, whilst the Normans, who were backed by the Pope, used a Christian one.
    We know too well how that worked out.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
    Asmodean likes this.
  18. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Which is why you shouldn't do it: a little more facts, a little less assertion.
    Asmodean likes this.
  19. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Lol :grinning:
  20. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    To be clear; assume all you want. I do too :) Just try not to pose assumptions as fact.

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