im not talking bush because thats not an issue. im talking leg hair. It is that big of a deal? I have barley no hair above my knee its just the bottom leg area. Im not talking about men prefering it hairless but where are the men that say "Hey thats cool you think for yourself and dont remove the hair" do they exist?
Yes. That attitude got my exhusband and I together, and finding like minded folks here got me on HF in 1998. (Two crashes ago) See also:
I'm one of those guys who rather has a woman making up her own mind about this and act upon that and be happy than insist on my preference. But it is real easy here generally because I couldn't care less about the leg hair of the average woman (as they dont bother me). I can appreciate shaved legs of course but don't mind when not. Now, if it would be disproportionally hairy I might develop a preference in that instance. But wether I would insist she acts on that preference is not sure at all. I would first have to be in such a situation.
Of all the fairly numerous times on Hipforums I've said body hair is OK, this was the earliest I could find, March 2 2005. Drumminmama didn't get to that one until over a week later.
I personally dont care especially in the winter, I know its a pain and well in the winter whats the point haha but my lady prefers to shave her legs and pits anyways when its warmer out so its never come up but I have a couple female friends that shave nothing and theyre still sexy and cute and I love em all the same haha
I shave to the waist. Cleanly shaven feels amazing. I also have a beard and always wear full length jeans. I've told a few people who think I'm fucking weird for doing it, but otherwise no one knows. Yes its a social construct, but I prefer clean shaven down there. On the other hand its pretty damn cold out so I wouldn't be upset if the ladies skipped out in the winter months.
Internet, there are a ton of guys that don't mind a woman with hair. But, in practicality... they don't seem to exist with me. So, I remove the hair out of fear of encountering someone that tells me off in public because they don't like hair on women. I'm already ugly as it is, and I get flack for that. I can't add normal things that are considered ugly, like having acne, being hairy, being really underweight or overweight, etc. I would be such a walking target. It's not worth it. Also, I kind of like not having hair. I went about a month or more without shaving, and when I finally did... I felt good. Real good. Refreshed, I guess. Like my skin can breathe. I'm actually considering buying one of those at-home laser hair removal things. Sometimes I epliate, which sucks that I have to endure pain to not get told off in public, but whatever. Other than that, it's whatever. I just do it.
Agree totally! It's funny women's magazines always talk about removing unsightly body hair saying it's unfeminine. If it naturally grows on women (+ it does on all from near invisible hair to a thick pelt, with most in between) then it can't be unfeminine. All about personal aesthetics but as a guy I've always loved a women with all her natural body hair + really like hairy legs on a woman. I know I'm in a minority but prefer hairy over shaved, but as an individual you don't have to be one or the other; you can go hairy when you please, shave if you feel the need + go hairy/ hairless as fits your whim at the time. You won't have trouble finding a lover who likes or is indifferent to it. You'll find sites like tumblr with women with hairy legs as a sort of support group, some posting photos.
There was a break in Hipforums around 2004, and I don't think names and postings from earlier are available, so we can't remind each other of who was saying what. If there was any talk about body hair, I'm sure I'd have been saying everyone should keep it!
woman's hair is way different to men's anyway. leg hairs are softer and armpit hair is too. as for pubic I think it's beautiful. it's strange really if you think about it... well I think so anyway.. when i was a child I'd see my mum naked, she was a liberal hippy type... and she'd have a natural bush. And then I'd see my sister naked a's a child and she was bald like me. we grew up were taught about puberty and hair etc.. so why do people prefer the shaven vaginas when really they resemble a childlike appearance???
Lol Well not because they resemble a childlike appearance (in most cases ). I prefer trimmed and even I can come up with at least 2 valid reasons why people prefer shaven. So maybe you can too if you give it a try.
I don't think this is true, though as most women remove their pit/leg hair it's not so easy to see the evidence. Also hairier women are probably more likely to remove it. Generally in the pit area I don't think there's any real difference between the amount in male/female pits other than genetic variation. I've seen many women with extremely hairy pits + they do look hot. I would agree on average men's legs tend to be hairier than the average woman but many women are capable of growing thick leg hair but due to cultural expectations are more likely to remove it.