The fuck is the deal with this stuff? I currently went through school and obtained my CDLs. Well, every company I've talked to has asked for a hair follicle test. So yesterday I just went ahead and done it. The most I've done is Vicodin in the past 3 months but bloody hell. Anyone else ever encounter one of these? What has this world come to.
Never encountered those in my life. Here in Canada random drug testing is viewed as a invasion of privacy and not legal anymore.
BTW, first post here. I had a hair test about three weeks ago and failed. It sucks because it was a huge career opportunity. Anyone have experience passing them? I'm searching for more jobs and know I'll probably end up taking on soon enough. Thanks!
I've never been given one, but I've heard that 1/2 inch of hair contains information on 30 days of prior drug use. Also, some companies will just flat out turn you down if you show up with all of your body hair shaved.
sure they can and they do. Any form of transportation falls under the D.O.T. jurisdiction and guidelines (dept of transportation) and any drivers, pilots, railroad engineers, etc. are subject to random testing twice a year. They randomly pick 50% of the possible test subjects. A hair follicle test can contain info concerning drug use going back as far as a year, depending on how fast your hair grows. they are probably the worst test to administer to determine if there are any abuse issues.
I have volunteered for a hair follicle test to prove I'm actually taking my prescriptions rather than selling them as I've been accused. My only concern/question is how the drugs are broken down. I have zero illegal drugs in my system, although I do have muscle relaxers, phenergin, and percocet/oxy. I'm prescribed hydros and benzos. Will the others I'm not prescribed show up in a different category? Also, will it show that I've taken more than prescribed? Thanks in advance.