Well, the title pretty much sums up the basics. But I went for my first ultrasound on Mon. 3/31- I had thought I was either 12 or 13 weeks...somewhere in there and was pretty sure on that. However, I found out I was 14 weeks and 5 days along which today puts me at 14 weeks and 7 days.... so, tomorrow will be 15 weeks. So, I am almost 3 weeks further along than I thought. Last pregnancy I did not have implantation bleeding and this time, apparently I did as I had what I thought was a super short and light cycle (2.5 days compared to 5) and apparently, that was the implantation... so was already pregnant. There's no other possible explanation for it. In any case, my prelim due date was Oct 9th and now it has changed to Sept 24. (I thought the baby would be born in Sept anyways though...)--- So, in any case, got to skip the end of the first trimester and the beginning of the second. In addition to that, got to see/hear heartbeat, which was good. Everything looking good and normal and thankfully just one baby. (that was something that I was thinking....yea, please let it just be one baby)... Anyways, it was so nice to see the baby and have the ultrasound pics that I got to show Cason and explain "this is like an x-ray of the baby in mommy's belly... we still don't know if it'll be a boy or girl though" (will know soon)... in any case, I find it to be good news but surprising a bit.
That is great news as sooner is actually better, especially once you hit the third trimester. Are you going to take Cason with you when you have the next ultrasound so he can see the baby first hand? That might be a fun way for him to be involved.
Congrats! Excited to see when your baby comes into the world..hopefully you will post pictures..luckily, a baby picture will not compromise him or her later in life! cause I look nothing like I did when I was a baby..Cason will love having a sibling, someone to stick to for the rest of his life.
So, I spent a long time typing out a response twice and both times hf stopped working for me and I was unable to send. I will try ONE more time. Geez. Thanks to both of you...(lorna and Heat) Hm, yea, I dunno bout taking Case to next ultrasound as it'll be mid-preg ultrasound and take longer and be more detailed looking at the diff. organs systems and such. I think C would prolly like being there and being involved but I also know he likes to investigate things/get into things/etc., and I wouldn't want him to be too hyper... like a crazy 3-yr-old, like he is during it...but, may be able to talk to him about acting calm in there. We shall have to see I guess. Yea, I think Cason will love being a big brother. Actually I KNOW he will. I am very happy for him that he will have a sibling to do things with and all. I think it's a very good thing. Yep, I'll post pictures. (Yay, it worked this time!)
Maybe you could have someone go with you to help with Cason if he gets a little burst of energy at the wrong time. Being 3 he should get those. I am looking forward to seeing those pictures!!
Congrats. I think it's so great to have siblings. I grew up as an only child and I love seeing the relationship between my two little ones.
Cool! I had implantation bleeding with my first pregnancy. It was scary. I thought I was miscarrying.
Yea, that's a good idea, Heather. Anyways...thanks Aeri and HH Yea, I think having siblings is great too- that was def one of the main reasons when we were trying to figure out if we wanted another one or not that we decided we did. By far not the only reason but def. up there. Aeri, the implantation bleeding for me was right around the same time I would have gotten my period and instead of my period lasting about 5 or 5.5 days it lasted about 2.5 or 3 days. It def wasn't really heavy or anything BUT it wasn't super light, like spotting. It seemed like a normal, albeit light, period. Then, the NEXT month when I was late and took a test-which was positive I do remember thinking and saying to Dan "hm, my last period was a bit lighter and lasted half the time, I wonder if that was implantation bleeding"... but, see, I didn't get that at all w Cason and I thought implantation bleeding was more like spotting-lighter than what I had so I really didn't think it was that. But...when I went to ultrasound and I found out when I must have gotten pregnant, there's nothing else it could have been. Nothing else woulda made any sense at all.
Congratulations. arty: and you have my sympathy for having to endure a summer time pregnancy.:bigcry:
Haha thanks NG. Yea, last pregnancy it was winter when I was far along so....shall see how it goes this summer. Hoping it's not gonna be too hot and humid-like those summers when it's like that all the time.