Online meme: IF GUNS KILL PEOPLE, PENCILS MISSPELL WORDS, CARS DRIVE DRUNK, AND SPOONS MAKE PEOPLE FAT. My answer: Pencils make people misspell words up close. Spoons allow people become fat up close. Guns kills people at a distance, and en masse. And people will always need pencils and spoons. There is no modern need for guns anymore than there is a modern need for horses or chimney sweeps.
My answer: Pencils, spoons and guns are inert. They don't do anything without external energy being applied such as human use. Horses and chimney sweeps are not inert and are needed. Not needed everywhere but they're needed.
Pencils and Spoons can be deadly weapons as well in the right (or wrong) hands. A firearm stillin on a table can no more kill someone of its own volition than a napkin. (Which by the way can also be used to kill someone.) Spook a horse and they will trample anyone in tehri way. And those damned Chimney sweeps...Human intervention there. I bet he could kill someone with that chimney brush. It is estimated that Death by shootings are about 250,000 Worldwide each year. Whiles Automotive deaths have reached 1.3 Million Globally. And for the most prolific killer of people, Smoking has caused more then 8 million death worldwide in the last year. Now...tell me again how Guns cause the most deaths...
The number of innocent people killed by guns in the US is an international disgrace. Ask the folks north of 49, eh? The plethora of guns in the US is a mental disease.
Guns can cause mass deaths in a short amount of time and many deaths over a longer period. Spoons have a practical use, other than killing, and can't kill at the rate of 45 rounds per minute (if at all, ever hear of someone being spooned to death?). It is true that guns can't kill without someone pulling the trigger, which is why the trigger (and gun) need to be restricted from unlimited human use.
Let's talk numbers. because they do matter. Saying "Innocent People killed by Guns" is a bit vague. So let's assume you mean Intentional Homicide and not Accidental or Suicides, because, well Accidents with guns are always 100% preventable, and Suicides while intentional are not the same as Homicides. in 2022: The Number of Reported Intentional Homicides using firearms was 13,944 as opposed to Deaths by Automobile, (Collision or Pedestrian vs car) of 13,345. Close race there. Better start banning cars... Now Suicides by gun came in at 27,995, while 22,444 people died from other means such as Suffocation, Drowning, and Drug Overdoses. (THese being intentional acts of suicide. Now deaths by simply accidental means number 307,785. These can also include Drowning, Drugs etc, plus electrocution, falls, fire, unintentional car accidents and more. The point is, that people like to inflate the incidence of gun deaths to vilify a totally inanimate and inert item simply because it can be used to kill someone. My opinion is, if you are going to attribute intent to a hunk of plastic and steel, then do so to other items that can cause death as well. More Gun Control? Sure! Just as soon as you outlaw Cigarettes...Too many people keep smoking even though they know it's killing them and they make their family and friends watch them die slowly and painfully. Stricter controls on Gun Purchases? Yes! Definitely! Just as soon as you put strict controls on buying cars so that irresponsible people or alcoholics and drug addicts can never buy cars and run down innocent people. If you can't see what I'm getting at, here it is TLDR: Don't blame the tool, blame the person USING the tool!
Then I guess ALL humans should be banned from any activity in which death / injury is a potential outcome. Maybe just ban the birthing of new humans so that humanity eventually dies out.Ahhhh-- Peace at last.
Automobiles serve a useful benign function, transportation. The function of guns is to kill. According to your statistics 13,944 people killed others intentionally using guns. 13,345 people, presumably in the same time span, were unintentionally killed by automobiles. In the U.S. the average citizen operates an auto for about one hour a day. The adult population of the U.S. as of 2020 was 258,343,281 people. So in one day there are over 258 million automobiles on the road. Of that 258 million 13,345 people were unintentionally killed by those autos, or about 0.005%. A very small amount. In the U.S. in 2022 about 48,000 were killed by guns. That's about 132 per day. By your figures about 843 people a day die from all other accidents combined, including drowning, drugs, electrocution, falls, fire, automobile, poisoning, animal attacks, plane wrecks, choking, explosions, crushing, elevators, etc. If we take just these 13 causes of death and divide that number into the 843 people that die per day due to those causes, we get about 61 deaths a day for each one; less than half the number killed daily by guns. The purpose of cigarettes is not to kill, unlike guns, and they are highly regulated. In fact it is against the law to sell them to minors, and against the law for minors to use them. Federal law prohibits anyone under the age of 21 from buying or using cigarettes. Unlike guns. In the U.S, any minor may use a gun with adult supervision and any person aged 18 and above may purchase one. (Unless they have committed some type of gun which prevents that.) Inebriated (drugs or alcohol) people may not operate an automobile in public. I know of no law preventing a person from operating a gun in public strictly becasue they are inebriated.
As with ALL Zealots, it comes down to inane justifications. Bow and Arrows only function is to kill as well and serves useful purpose except entertainment and competition, which firearms are used for as well. It isn't like anyone ever listens, but I can guarantee, that a firearm left alone and untouched will never kill someone. THey are incapable of independent thought or action. Guns do not need to regulated. The people WITH guns need to be regulated. Enforce the existing laws. Don't let the criminals get away with hiding weapons, take them. don't put them in storage to be redistributed, destroy them as you claim ou do. There are plenty of Laws. Use them. As far as I am concerned, the items in question are NOT the problem, and never will be. The Problem is the Humans who use and abuse them. You insist on gun bans? I will insist on banning Cars, and Smoking, and Booze. I will insist on prison time for illegal drug users as well as dealers, and suppliers.
You seem not to have considered that the laws aren't tight enough. Some civilians shouldn't be allowed near a firearm. Checks aren't rigorous enough. Some weapons shouldn't be accessible by public at all, such as but not limited to AR15. There's apparently a right to bear arms but I see nothing that gives the right to carry anything one likes.
An archer would have a hard time committing a mass murder on a scale similar to what someone with an assault weapon can do. Plus the effective range and destruction potential of a bow pales when compared to an assault weapon, or even a .22. In addition the use of a bow requires a certain level of proficiency, a three year old isn't going to pick up a bow and kill someone. As far as competition, an assault weapon isn't needed for target shooting, or even hunting. I have a single shot .22 caliber target pistol and a .22 gallery gun. They work just fine for target practice, but are poor choices for a mass shooting. My daughter in law has several medals for target shooting, she used a .22. For that matter if you want to shoot competitively you can use an air rifle or pistol, bow, or paint ball gun. Now, as to your argument that inanimate objects don't kill people, people kill people, therefore we shouldn't regulate or outlaw any type of gun, as they are inanimate objects. Would you object to deregulating M2 Browning heavy machine guns, or TNT, arsenic, nuclear bombs, Claymore mines, M1 Abram tanks? All inanimate objects that "are NOT the problem, and never will be. The Problem is the Humans who use and abuse them".
The right to bear arms outside of a well regulated governmental militia was not recognized until the 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller Supreme Court decision which overturned 200 years of precedent. It also noted that, " ....that the right to bear arms is not unlimited and that certain restrictions on guns and gun ownership were permissible."
Thanks @MeAgain for that, which seems to add to my point. I suggest the Government must enforce limits and and restrictions. My own opinion, fwiw, is that few outside of law enforcement or US military have need for any weapon. a. Farmers controlling vermin (animals) that may attack their crop must have weaponry that will help them get rid of such vermin. That's hardly an AR15 etc. but shotguns and such like should be allowed for them. b. Because application checks aren't robust, every application for each weapon should be checked thoroughly by law enforcement before it can be sold. c. there should be a limit on the number owned at any one time by each household and when a successful application would exceed that number, one existing firearm (per new one), must be returned. d. Those who wish to have a firearm for sporting purposes should be permitted. They should be of a specification relative to the sporting type. e. Assault rifles etc and all those used by the Govt forces, should not be available to the public.
The main difference is that while someone running around spraying bullets all over is a definite threat. A skilled Archer. Especially with a crossbow or good Compound Bow, can snipe for longer and more accurately because he is silent and they will have trouble tracking him, making him MORE dangerous than an idiot with a gun running around shouting his manifesto. The problem with Anti-Gun Zealots is that they see only a single function of a weapon. AK-47's and other Auto and Semi-Auto weapons do not simply spray bullets. They can fire a single sot and quite accurately at that. There are actually Military Style competitions that the AK does quite well in. And Yes, AK's can even be used to hunt with. And THERE IT IS!!!! I never said guns should not be regulated. I DID Say that we have laws in place that regulate them and the laws should be enforced rather than trying to enact new laws. If the current ones aren't enforced what makes you think the new ones will be? But you don't see that...You saw what you wanted to see. Next you make ridiculous comments about irrelevancies. 1st of all, Nuclear bombs? Are you an idiot? This is why people constantly challenge your assertions. All of the things you mentioned ARE Legal, but are regulated for Military use Only, AND THE LAWS ARE ENFORCED! that's why people don't drive down the roads in M1-Abrams, or Fire off Nukes on July 4th. And the end of your comment you admit what I've said all along. The tool is NOT the issue the user is. Regulation, Education and responsibility. Enforcement of consequences for misuse. Go rant until your throat cracks, wave your arms in protest until they fall off. FACT: you will never Eliminate Firearms. They have become an integral part of life in America. and unless you throw out the Constitution, Citizens will always have access to them. You want to make a difference? Here's an Idea: Educate yourself: Learn to use and care for firearms. Know how and how not to use them. Learn responsibility. Secure a license to either sell and repair firearms. If you can't maintain them, you have no business possessing them Know the laws. Not just in your community, but in your state. Also be familiar with Federal laws on firearms. Develop a clear and workable mission plan for educating people on responsible gun ownership Find a venue and get funding. Ask the community to pitch in. It is in their interests as well to make the community safer through education and planning. Get Local Law Enforcement behind you. Be very transparent about your intent. I know of several agencies that have public relations and community divisions that will aid in something like this. Reach out to existing organizations. They aren't the villains you think they are. It is in their best interests to partner with someone willing to educate people on safe and responsible ownership. Open a shooting school to teach practical use. teach all aspects of responsible ownership. Secure licensing and finance for the school. There are also organizations that will help with that. Take the stick out of your ass, and look at reality. Banning all Firearms will have a more profound effect on life in the US than Banning booze did back in the 20's and 30's.
So you're saying that a skilled archer "with a crossbow or good compound bow" is more dangerous than the 64 year old man who fired 1,000 rounds from a 32nd story window killing 60 people, wounded 413, and causing injury to another 394 people due to panic, at 490 yards, before he committed suicide? Really? Or how about the North Hollywood bank robbers who outgunned the police who had to break into a gun shop to get weapons that were effective against the robbers, and that resulted in a gunfight in which 2,000 rounds were fired during which time 12 officers and 8 civilians were shot before the robbers were taken down? Good thing they weren't armed "with crossbows or good compound bows."
Now you're just being silly and creating situations to fit your narrative. But sure. If that 64 year old man was proficient with the cross bow firing down, it is not out of the question that he could pick off 60 people if he had that many quarrels. If he isn't going for accuracy, just damage factor a crossbow could be effective at that distance. The screams of those who watched it on TV and have no idea what happened other than what the TV news was able to show. That Robbery was planned and orchestrated, it was not a spontaneous thing. They even had Mil-Spec body armor. That is intent, it isn't a random incident. At that time LAPD was not issuing AR-15's or other Semi-Auto weapons to Officers in the field. So they were indeed outgunned at first They did not break into a gun shop. The owner of BB Guns loaned them the AR-15's to deal with the situation. It was closer to the incident than North Hollywood Station. (Oh yeah. I was living in North Hollywood at the time) I also spent a good deal of time at B&B. Got my duty weapon from them. If you're going to make a case against guns, at least try not to include incidents that involve coordinated attack plans. In reality banning guns WILL NOT keep guns out of the hands of organized criminal elements. it will only take them from the citizens that have registered them legally. and now with 3D printing technologies, anyone can make a gun at home that cna't be detected by metal detectors. YES! Let's Ban 3D Printers as well!!!!
Who ever said I want to ban all guns? Ever hear of a bump stock on a semi auto rifle? Firing rate: about 400-800 rounds per minute or 6 to 7 rounds per second. Legal in my state. A fully automatic AR 15 can fire about 800-900 rounds per minute or 13-15 rounds per second. What makes you think current gun laws aren't enforced? What makes you think that guns that are legal in one state can't be taken to a state where they are illegal? What makes you think only those with a criminal record kill people by using gun? You are the one who stated that inanimate objects don't kill people, not me. I merely listed a few examples of dangerous inanimate objects. And again, what makes you think the current gun laws aren't enforced? Seems to me the individual responsible for the 2017 Los Vegas shooting used weapons that were legally purchased and regulated by law, just like Abram tanks and nuclear bombs. But of course it's much easier to get those guns as the laws that regulate them aren't quite as good as the others. I'm gald you agree that firearms should be regulated. The problem is that the current regulations aren't good enough. Where did I say that I want to eliminate all firearms? Yeah, that seems to be working out pretty well doesn't it? List of mass shootings in the United States Number of victims from just 2018 to 2022: 15,860. But your list will fix that.