Gun bump stocks banned

Discussion in 'Politics' started by unfocusedanakin, Dec 20, 2018.

  1. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I thought there would be more of a response to this. I am happy to see it but the gun lobby as a whole has not complained like thought. Do they figure they can beat in court?

    I think it's silly to give people an online video on how to destroy them. No one who wanted one is going to do that. I'm sure the black market price went up and there are plenty out there. So all the arguments gun owners make as to why there should be no gun laws. Since the product and culture exists it's too late. Yet while saying this they always needed to buy any gun anytime.

    A major line has been crossed and nothing was done. Maybe some court rulings change but with all the other gun violence I don't know long term. I see this as a turning point. A step to finally make gun ownership into a more hunting/ hobby thing not a "hunting" on the battlefield. The Second Amendment is being amended little by little even without the amendment itself changing.

    My theory has always been there will never be this NRA civil war. If a gun law changes people will bitch but ultimately they like their cable and SUV too much. American life is pretty good compared to some countries. Few people are prepared to live in a way they see in movies for 2 hours. War movies end real war does not as easily.

    This is a good thing though since we can "thank for service" in the best way by not creating more to serve for.
  2. Maccabee

    Maccabee Luke 22:35-38

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    Why ban something that can be replicated with rubber bands?
  3. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Why not ban it then? You can "bump" fire quickly without the stock right? So it mean nothing to gun rights if you can not own one. It was a gimmick you did not need for gun owners till someone said they can not have it from what I saw.

    The backlash tells me there is actual combat use for this item. So if you needed to defend rights you would want it.
  4. Jo King

    Jo King wannabe

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    I don't know how people can afford firing bump stock style. If if comes to a revolution style war I wouldn't want to waste that amount of ammunition.
    Sig and tumbling.dice like this.
  5. Humans waste amazing amounts of resources on hobbies and attractions. It's the ones who rarely shoot, but keep buying ammo we should be considering as the non-hobbyist. Those motives are far more elusive and difficult to track.

    Also, I don't know where else but this thread I have heard the concept of an "NRA Civil War". How is that expected to go down?
  6. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    A lawsuit has been brought to stop the ban. Arguments are that owners should be compensated and interestingly that acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker was appointed by Trump illegally.
  7. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    who cares? obviously the left and right.
  8. Maccabee

    Maccabee Luke 22:35-38

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    Or the reason behind the backlash is because we're wasting taxpayer's money and it sets a dangerous precedent. Sure, the bump stock is a gimmick with little use, however so is the Lamborghini, high dollar heels, fidget spinners, etc. Should we ban those items too?
  9. Maccabee

    Maccabee Luke 22:35-38

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    If I murdered someone with a gun, firearm charges are the least of my worries. The conclusions some people come to amazes me.
    Orison likes this.
  10. Sure they do. Plenty of hard core assholes who kill people for fun, money, power or passion are exactly where they belong, behind bars. Toss the key on some of these assholes.

    As for bump stocks, a waste of time. Anyone with fingers of steel and a strong right arm can emulate the same function without one. It's a rhythm, like working a jackhammer or needle gun. In the age of 3D printing, the idea of regulating any of these accessories out of existence is naive at best.

    But I admit I was surprised to see silencers make such a comeback.

    Might have saved a lot of time and shoulder pain trying to be stealthy with a bow.
  11. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  12. Maccabee

    Maccabee Luke 22:35-38

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    So murderers should go free?
  13. Maccabee

    Maccabee Luke 22:35-38

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    You're kinda bouncing all over the place with not much of a point. Australia has a different culture than we do. We have more firearms than people in the US. Any attempt at banning or registering all 300 million+ guns is a futile venture.
  14. So then, has gun crime been eliminated in Australia?
  15. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Long term this is what leads to guns being outlawed. The goal of changing laws is to affect gun crime. When the data shows in a few years people still use 3D printers and what not it moves to the next step of controlling guns. The only way gun owners keep the ground they have now is they stop what they are doing. They will say will do it since criminals know how to. It's that culture that contributors to gun crime more then anything. Laws can always be abused.

    Might sound crazy but I bet 5 years ago you would not believe bump stocks are banned. People who don't shoot every weekend will move on the next goal.

    In Austrailia it's harder to get a gun. Not impossible but that's a silly bar for crime and gun owners know it. Like why even have any laws? People are going to murder, they will steal, so why punish me? Laws exist and criminals break them. It does not mean you are entitled to go to the level of a criminal. You would do a prison term in many countries if you killed a man breaking into your house. It's unreaoanable force. That could be America one day.

    Where do you think you buy a gun in the black market? An American buys it and sells to you for 10x the store price. Yet you claim Australia is somehow responsible for this since they don't let citizens have guns.

    The black market for guns would dry up without Ameirca. You can't cite it as a reason why you need a gun. It's a situation you create that is controlled better with gun confiscations.
  16. I don't have to cite a reason I want a gun. I do have to ask for permission, so to speak, by filling out the papers and waiting for the all clear. Takes about 15 minutes.

    Unfortunately, black market guns have no such controls. But thankfully those guns are only acquired by criminals. Surely they'll be happy to turn them in when the government says so.
    Sig likes this.
  17. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  18. storch

    storch banned

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    If someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night, I will shoot them in the leg if I can see them. If I can't see them, then I'll shoot in their general vicinity. The thing is, my response will be based on the fact that I don't know what their intentions are; as such I'll have to assume that they mean me and my family harm, and will respond accordingly. I can't imagine being expected do otherwise.
    WritersPanic and scratcho like this.
  19. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    You are welcome to that but is it worth prison?

    Like you aint seeing your family that way either. So in my scnario you don't have much choice. You can do time or you can let the TV go. But in this world there are no good guys. If you use the gun there will be consequences. Feel free to keep it but you can not use it.

    Gun owners don't seem to get this. There is no way to win. You must be ready for a life sentence. Maybe your TV is worth that. Your life depends on stand your ground being accepted. You need the big goverment to allow you to have a toy like a teen needs his mom to allow him to take the car. At any time it can not be your car and you are grounded.
  20. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    Center mass, storch. Always center mass. If you're going to pull the trigger you better be prepared to do it properly.

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