
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Teeda, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. Teeda

    Teeda Members

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    Hey everyone!

    My name is Ty or Teeda, I'm 20.... I guess I'm starting some sort of an adventure in May, moving from where I'm at in New Jersey (this state, even though it's known as the garden state has some seriously poisonous air...) to rochester and after a year there, I guess the country for the next few years in search for whatever may be my calling. I'm a Transgender male (so He/His/Him)... I guess I kind of started to search for a better version of myself with my roommates who kind range from psychology to theater majors. I stopped attending college because I don't know where I want to go or be just yet. All I know is I am who I am.

    Hmm. I don't know how to describe my being but explorative. Feel free to send me some love!


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  2. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Hi Teeda, welcome to the Hip Forums!

    LGBT are all welcome here. :)
  3. 123Souljah123

    123Souljah123 Members

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    Hi Teeda, Welcome and have a nice day )

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