Would you rather have great sex for the rest of your life, whatever / whenever you want? But you're eating cup noodles with those freeze dried carrots for the rest of your life. Or Would you rather have great food / drink / deserts, whatever / whenever ...ANYTHING you want? But crappy, boring "just lie there" sex? Pick one, discuss.
Great food. I eat more often than I have sex, so if I have to get off in the same boring position each time, but I get to experience all of the smells, tastes, and textures that the world's foods have to offer, I'm there for it.
Ok thought about this a lot. I love sex but like all guys I'm really good at doing it myself. I think manshaft location is there for a reason I go to great extent to have great good, it can't even be good ... it has to be GREAT food. Everything else I'd rather not eat or wait. I'm gonna have to choose food over sex.
As much as I love food I've been starved of sex recently and it's affecting my mental health much more than food ever would.