Great discovery, or seems to be... but nice! Weed + Noots trip report

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by Coz the Shroom, Aug 10, 2023.

  1. Coz the Shroom

    Coz the Shroom Members

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    Lately I been smoking a lot of weed and not getting stoned or too stoned. I cough all the time and every trick in the book I've used to decarb weed has FAILED me miserably.
    While living with my cousin, I have a modest amount of disposable income from my government "crazy money" and have been getting back into exploration mode.
    Tried vinpocitine for the first time. Powder. Read about poor bioavailability. Tried it different ways, inhaled a sprinkle from an insense burner and thought I might be on to something, so I decided to cut my weed with it and try smoking weed and vinpocetine together in my pipe...
    Yes, I think I hit a big vein of it at some point because in addition to feeling my weed buzz coming on, there was this really nice sense of acceleration. Everything just suddenly intensifying and getting really sharper.
    They say there's no euphoria, but this really has a noticable euphoric effect, almost like yohimbine, but more in the brain than the body.
    Anyway, it GREATLY made the weed break through my tolerance. I haven't been this stoned in a week! It has a very pleasant cognative euphoria. I don't know why psychonautwiki doesn't cover this nootropic.
  2. Coz the Shroom

    Coz the Shroom Members

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    Interesting. Most of the weed effects fell off rather quickly! smoked or snuffed, vinpocitine seems to come and go rather quickly. The music enhancing abilities of weed are still present. There's more outside in my pipe, so I'm going to smoke some up again as soon as this Motorhead song stops playing.
  3. Coz the Shroom

    Coz the Shroom Members

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    I'm calling : Vinpocetine can reverse canabis tolerance, but only very briefly. There's a weed strain called green crack. This is what I'd actually call green crack, much as I loathe crack and meth. Bad PTSD experiences living with an addict. I'd put this in a meth pipe if I could stand the sight of one anymore.

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