<iframe src="https://app.box.com/embed/preview/whyvdzzs0nsfv4csgkoesn1ytxhgf37m?theme=dark" width="500" height="88" frameborder="0"allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>
i liked it but i wish i could have heard all the words...kind of sounded like you smeared them too much
I have a badly recorded album with back up vocals sung by me and another guy in a folkish group we did a few years back. It's all in Deutsch and I think I sound quite peaceful and cute when you do hear me.
https://app.box.com/s/whyvdzzs0nsfv4csgkoesn1ytxhgf37m I'm surprised that link worked. If not, there's the right one. My computer was all messed up last night. I can't even tell if my voice is good or bad most of the time. Thanks for listening everyone! Sorry about smearing the words. I noticed that when I haven't listened to one of my songs in a while and I listen to it again it kind of sounds confusing. I guess you get used to a tune and it sounds normal.
The slurring drunkenness got worse towards the end. Here's the lyrics anyway: Lookin' for some peace of mind A lot of the time Wah dooby dooby doo Laughing at giraffes Their necks are long, they make us laugh Wah dooby dooby doo Don't nobody want it Tonight you were my friend The world was coming to an end Wah dooby dooby doo Now everything's fine You're here and gone and I don't mind Wah dooby dooby doo Don't nobody want it It's kind of about this girl I used to like. She took me to the zoo. We were friends for many years, but I haven't heard from her in over a decade. Sad the way we've all gotta move on.
I still think you are bullshitting me, but I will entertain the possibility that you are not. This is good. Very good. Like, "Get your ass a label and go on tour" good. It's catchy as hell. After listening to it for the first time, it stuck in my head and I had to listen to it again. And please, go find that girl!
Wow thanks everybody. Yeah I got told yesterday by someone I made a CD for that I should have sold a million copies. lol I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'll get on with that big music career now. I just hope ya'all will download it and maybe put it on a mix CD for yourselves to listen to. Most important to me is just that somebody's listening. My sister and I have a facebook page. https://www.************/lampnumbernine I posted the link here once before. I'm not bullshitting. I'm just that kind of guy, I guess. I don't pine for this girl anymore. I've got a new love interest. She's seemingly unobtainable, though, so more songs to come.
Nevermind, I don't have a love interest anymore. She lost me. Hear that ladies, this has officially become my dating thread.
Recorded another one: https://app.box.com/s/4802596a18uut4weta106pvq83tgly9h Thanks for listening everybody.
Thanks guys. My recording equipment sucks compromise. I don't even have a proper microphone, my guitar is broken, and I own no guitar picks. I'm doing my best, though. Recorded a few more yesterday. https://app.box.com/s/2um5yxxwnab2xh4vqbmwy1psu0a0py0n