Hell yeah, u can get fake designer bags for $30 that are indistinguishable from the real thing (which go for like $600!) in my neighborhood. Well, a lot of different places in manhattan actually, I've seen em for $10
there was a public service announcement of these two hags bragging about their purses and then one of them got a knock off from some street vendor so then the other women chastized her for ripping off the legitimate designers. then the announcer comes on and says don't buy knockoff shit. i tried to find it and failed
There She Blows, 10 Minutes Has Just Flown.... Ding Dong The Watch Is Dead Which Old Watch The Wicked Watch... Ding Dong The Wicked Watch Is Dead.... Cheers Glen.
The moral being; Do not buy imitation brand name products lest you royally piss off your favorite designer and cheat them out of countless yen.. Excuse me, dollars.
I was thinking the same thing...buy ten MK hand bags for $30 and sell me for $60 each....$300 profit.