I find the constant battle between the left and right wing factions here troubling. And also the argument between the socially progressive people and the reactionary conservatives, depressing. And I like people on both sides of the spectrum. I just wish, and this is an extrapolation into wider society, we could all agree on something and move forward.
Thank you for answering so frankly. I think this is going to be a difficult thing to escape, in such polarized times, as you mentioned. I hope you change your mind and ignore all the crap.
It's like, having an opinion has come to represent the very core of who you are, whereas you might just be like a mind in a state of flux having an opinion, which could be subject to change as new information and self-knowledge comes to light. People are literally hating each other over opinions. Not so much here but out on the streets, in America and Europe.
Just please stay. Stay out of the threads that bother you. Stay in the What's Happening thread please!!! If someone is bothering you tell me and I will get it sorted out for you. Please Ged. You are one of our best hearts.
I dont really see it out on the streets. The mean, bad skreets. I just see normal people going about their business. The internet, on the other hand. But some people just enjoy talking politics and HF provides a forum for it. Whenever I get tired of it I just avoid the political threads for a while. I hope you decide to do the same and still keep us company in the non political threads, Right Said Ged
I have stopped replying and reading many of the forum postings. I have found the keyboard warriors to be very rude if you do not agree with their opinion. It is both sides of the political spectrum. My wife got off all social media channels for that reason. I keep a Facebook page so I can see when the Jeep club is having an event. I don’t blame you. Good luck with your quest to keep the noise out of your head.
Oh I'm probably not going anywhere. I felt this way when I posted the thread, and I'm sorry if I'm being an attention whore. But I really haven't specifically asked for help in this incarnation on Hip Forums. I'm a communication junkie, and I feel to some extent that this forum has become an unhealthy addiction. I also worry that a few of you who I really like now think I'm some kind of psycho, and I'm not that. Forums, hey, things can get pretty involved sometimes, no?
You're clearly not a psycho. And yeah well, sometimes people need reassurance and attention. Good if you're probably not going anywhere because your views and words are needed here.