i was just driving and we are having a WICKED storm... that was standing water and lots of CLOSE lighting and rain so hard i couldnt see. i hate that. i hate that. i hate that. should i turn my puter off?
if its a electrical storm i sure as hell wold, woldnt want any lightning comin into your computer and blowin it up......
I have to say yes to the turn off unless you have a surger protector or what ever they are called. Lightening can zapp you puter. I would also unplug it from both phone line and power as if the phone pole or the electric pole gets hits current travels.
Well.. My computer is on a system recovery strip.. So if the power goes off.. My computer still runs for 6 minutes till i can shut down.. If i dont notice in time.. It is capable of shutting itself down via usb port.. but i never bother with that.. Anyways to my point.. If you have a nice computer protector you should be fine..
scarlett... he's gonna be just fine.... still in the hospital. i went to visit him. thanks for asking. anywho, i did end up turning on my computer but i do have a surge protector. i just dont know how well it works or whatev.
I had to drive in a freaking monsoon the other day. I could barely see the car in front of me. It was scary....but kind of fun... Because I'm always in a movie...
Well...it was raining really bad. Most of the power went out downtown and it flooded a lot. I like rain, though. Even if my house does wash away..... hehe
i love rain. i love running in it. i love watching storms from inside. i dont like driving when i cant see and there's still water n all and i get all these news stories in my head... like last wk., 15 mins. from where i live a mother and her baby were driving and got swept away by rain and died.
Awww...that's so sad. I would hate to not be able to save my baby. I would rather die than outlive him.
Yeah....he loves guitars. He's a champ at everything. As long as he's not a drummer, we'll be fine....
cerrdiwin you are the best at bringing back old threads as this one is almost two years old. (i still do hate driving in storms though btw)
one stupid question of my own: why were you out there driving in it? and should you turn off the machine? hell yes if you don't want it to get fried, unless you've got one hell of a high isolation uninteruptable power supply or are completely off grid with good lightning rods well away from your power systems. unless of course if you've got spares on standby and can alway afford to just go buy another one. even then i think not much of that kind of wastefullness. if i could afford that, i'd build a storm and everything else proof installation so i wouldn't have to worry about it, instead. =^^= .../\...