Giving Psychiatric Drugs To People With Intellectual Disabilities...

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Jimbee68, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    I just surfed into this web page. It's interesting:

    Antipsychotics inappropriately prescribed to people with intellectual disabilities

    People with intellectual disabilities shouldn't be given psychiatric drugs they don't need. Because no one should. Those meds have been a lifesaver since they were discovered in the 1950's, to manage psychotic and depressive symptoms, and to give these people a better quality of life. But no one should take them if they don't need too, for the same reason someone who doesn't have Diabetes shouldn't take insulin. It's not needed and potentially dangerous.

    I also recall hearing somewhere that people with intellectual disabilities (and/or autism?) get greater side effects with these medicines, specifically antipsychotics? I know I have a mild case of cerebral palsy, probably due to some minor birth trauma, my neurologist tells me. And I know someone like me shouldn't take antipsychotics. The side effects are much worse for people like that. It's a proven fact.
  2. Friar Turk

    Friar Turk Dankin' and Tankin'

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    Lithium is subpar trash for Nazi doctors with a conspiracy to play. It's not for Sunbeam control or subterranean ingrates
    ~Zen~ likes this.
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    As an experiment, the AMA refused to treat black men with syphilis, and carefully documented how they all went blind and insane as it eat their brain. Of course, they apologized, and said it would never happen again. Then, they helped the Pentagon and NFL hide all the medical evidence for PTSD and brain damage, for 30 years.

    America has a two tier medical system and, its becoming common knowledge again, that the only reason to ever go to a hospital, is if you require painkillers, or want to die. The assholes told us butter and eggs are bad for you, then pushed Margerine on us, only to change their minds 50 years later, and decide butter and eggs are great for your health.

    Donald Duck is now Emperor of the World! And, although voting is among the worst things you can do for your health, it is still recommended by the AMA, even though, there's no proof whatsoever that anyone's vote matters. A quarter of the money our medical system makes, is off foreigners coming to the US, simply because we have the latest machines. If you can't afford medicine, and our system doesn't support mental health care, and cannot so much as teach a child how to use a stupid dictionary, while the Tea Party censors half of reality, the last people you want to trust are doctors and the pharmacutical companies.

    I live on the streets, and have watched countless people eat out of garbage cans, because the prefer it, and take hundreds of dollars worth of pills a day, to avoid being thrown in the hospital. The AMA can no longer complain about the public, or our government, because they're being censored by the Tea Party, and never had their shit together in the first place. Hypocrites would be horrified. The last time I went to the emergency room, I had to explain basic physiology to the assholes, who were merely checking off boxes on a list, and could get better service at a McDonald's. At least, they train people how to flip burgers.

    I literally walked out of the hospital, telling them I would ask McDonald's for advice, and their rent a cop demanded I get the fuck out of there, or show respect, to a bunch of wannabees.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
    ~Zen~ likes this.

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