So Saturday I go over to my fwb. He buys drinks, I buy food. We did it twice. It was amazing. This is the same guy who made me promise I'd never leave him. He said on Saturday that he wants to settle down and move in together. He wants to stop using protection and have a baby. I was shocked and scared. My mom HATES him. She has him programmed in her phone as "Ugly Nasty Ass Bastard." She thinks he's ugly, too old, dangerous, and ghetto. I admit I'm embarassed to be seen with him in public around my neighborhood which is upscale and at my Anglican church. I know most people think he's very ugly. I think he's attractive though. He's 48 and I'm 31. I love the age difference. He's a good protector and would be a good disciplinarian (he's commanding and aggressive). I have fun when I'm with him and feel safe. But I don't think I'm capable of falling in love with another man again.
Commanding and aggressive might be fun in the bedroom but is it ideal for a life partner and to have children with?
A marriage is hard enough when there is love. I wouldn't make a family (and commonlaw marriage) with anyone without the love.
In my experience, people that demand that sort of promise are the same sort of people that become stalkers when you decide to bail. Add that to his most recent set of requests/demands and you have too many red flags to carry comfortably. Even the best sex in the world isn't worth a relationship minefield like this. Run, do not walk, in any direction away.