Researchers report a net energy gain, they produced more energy than they used to produce the energy they produced! They produced an excess of energy sufficient to “boil 10 kettles of water.” Why the U.S. Fusion Energy Discovery Really Is ‘Revolutionary’
"oh shit, I forgot to carry the "one" in my calculations......never mind, that makes it more watts in, not watts out......"
Heard from a fusion research specialist….fusion is the energy source of the future…always has been, always will be!
Not just nuclear fusion, environment friendly thorium is also the future of nuclear energy. Proponents of nuclear energy based on thorium say it promises carbon-free power with less dangerous waste, lower risk of meltdowns and a much harder route to weaponisation than the conventional nuclear process. Thorium is also more abundant in the world than uranium. However, its very inability to be used for creating nuclear weapons meant that not much funds were diverted to create nuclear reactors based on thorium, resulting in a much slower development cycle than it ought to be. Hence its commercialisation looks uncertain. India has around 25 per cent of Thorium reserves in the world, and at present it is one of the very few nations which has focused its efforts on creating nuclear reactors that use thorium as fuel. The lack of funds and research worldwide has also resulted in the slow development cycle of thorium reactors. Why India wants to turn its beaches into nuclear fuel India planning to use thorium as nuclear fuel to generate power
Never going to happen. These fusion reactor scientists are massively dishonest and misleading about their net energy and practical output numbers. You will not see this in 20 years, not 50 years, not 100 years. But these labs will pocket billions from taxpayers and private investors. On the positive side, we do have a practically infinite supply of fusion power... it's that thing in the sky called the SUN!
Good step in the right direction. If you want fusion energy..............try thorium..........easy to find/little waste because of closed system............known since the devolepment of "The Bomb".............but it doesnt make weapons..............*sigh* The guy has been preaching 20 years................respect Mzzls
Thorium reactors are fission power. Ideally there is nothing wrong with nuclear fission power. It can all be done safely and environmentally... in a perfect world. The problem is when stupid crooked humans try and half ass it, like they do with everything.
Nonsense. They now have enough energy to make a cup of tea. Perhaps two cups of tea by this time next year. I believe in wind power, along with heat pumps in the future. A COP value of 3 can be achieved. The Royal Festival Hall in London was originally heated this way, drawing heat through shell and tube evaporators fed by water from the bed of the Thames. When the building was handed over, no one knew how it all worked and they all ran for the hills when they found out that the refrigerant was liquid ammonia.
The main problem is that they require a small uranium reactor to inject free neutrons. They would need 2. a second for redundancy, so costs could quickly increase.
I thought the breakthrough was made by Ponds Fleischmann and their work somehow was undermined by MIT? Been a while since I read anything on this.
Not a scientist.......just interested and trying to show there are other/alternative energy sollutions already available(for many years).......... I agree..........nobody is really interested(thorium/hydrogen/ect) much cost to develop, not enough short term profit.................*sigh* Mzzls