Glickman has some interesting takes on rape culture and how the threat of rape and harassment and general objectification of women by men resonates within relationships. Here is his take on getting started on the right foot.
Well like the guy said, the whole culture on dating and flirting has to change from both male and female perspectives, perhaps simultaneously. And in my humble opinion it isn't likely too happen, so that means most of his suggestions is just nice hypothetical talk. --- One also has to ask how much of our dating rituals in culture is driven by physiology and brain wiring and yields the results they do. Why does music seem to be one of the most appealing traits for guys from the female perspective? (This is seen is almost all cultures, the type of music varies but music is present in some form and seems to be a universal aphrodisiac)
fuck off with your rape culture. because musicians are awesome magicians who have to devote thousands of hours to their work and damned well deserve it. Also, good musicians can channel their emotions in a way that allows somebody to sympathize directly with their mind and it's beautiful and attractive.
This is all fine and dandy but I love a man who jumps right in when I am giving those hints of attraction. I think what this man is forgetting is when a male and female are together they are able to "read" each other. I don't always need to hear all these words... I can look at you in a certain way and you'll just know you can dive in there for a kiss or something. Kind of kills the mood as we're looking at each other passionately and he suddenly says, "IF you're interested..." Yeah well no now that all went out the window lol
no but you're just supporting the rape culture just remember, Intercourse is the pure, sterile, formal expression of men's contempt for women, and all sex is rape, so when you give that guy the sexy eyes, you are saying RAPE ME"]nirvana - rape me - YouTube
Political correctness is never satisfied. Give it your hand, it'll want your arm. Once you go the apologies and caveats route, there's no end to it. To verify:"]RebeccaWatson almost visiously attacked by a black man | parody - YouTube
I want to add to this sidebar. I think it has to do with the rhythmic lulling. Plus it's been said that women's hearing is so very receptive that I suppose it's possible for suggestive music to be better received and then better sex achieved as a result. You should make a thread about this.
I'll propose a happy medium. And that is saying, "Let's fuck." If you have a problem with that, guess what? You're a run-of-the-mill politically correct hypocrite. Show me one sorry ass politically correct fool who's good in bed! Show me a one!
I find this article really relevant to today. I think #1 is especially relevant to younger and less experienced men. Boners are awesome but there's a time and place. Also numbers 3 & 4 relate to me. I can't count the number of guys who have become upset with me (and really verbally abusive) for rejecting them or not responding to their advances (to me that screams infantile tantrum pounding sand). I don't want to beep my own horn but I get a lot of unwanted attention and I'm not sure why it is because I seem to get it regardless of outfit or whether I wear revealing clothing. I do feel fortunate and in a sense lucky but it doesn't serve me when it gets in the way of my professional goals etc. For men to pose uncomfortable situations in the work place is just wrong - I had one guy tell me my (modest) high heels were sexy and call me interoffice specifically to ask when I would dance for him. Another was a boss who constantly touched my neck and grabbed my waist and ass. And another boss who asked me to go get couples massage with him after work (he was cute but married with a newborn so still totally sickening) I would never do something like that to a man.