France Mourns 12 Dead In The War Against Free Speech

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by Karen_J, Jan 8, 2015.

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  1. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Ten journalists, two police offers, killed because Islamic radicals didn't like their opinions.

    This would be a good time for moderate Muslims to speak up and remind the world that the mainstream parts of their religion are nonviolent. As someone said on TV this morning, when the prophet Mohamed himself was criticized and mocked during his life, he didn't call for them to be killed. Instead, he prayed for them. Is he not supposed to be the example for all of his followers?
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  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Many normal muslims are speaking up happily (albeit many through organisations/communities, and still not individually), but yes if they don't so now they're not doing themselves a favor.

    And yes, Mohammed is an important example for his followers, unfortunately there are different kind of followers (shouldn't be the problem ideally but anyway) and they are interpreting what he thought was most important very differently. So a lot take his message(s) of peace really to heart and others his message to expand and defend their belief with the sword.
  3. expanse

    expanse Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    I agree with you 100% (as I'm sure most would), however, I that's comparable to hoping for a mainstream christian to turn the other cheek - like jesus supposedly did in forgiving those who crucified him. Mainstream christians here love talking the talk, and that's about all they do.

    Where I live, so called moderate christians would love watch any muslim, peaceful or militant, be put to death just for being muslim.

    I'm wondering if most moderate muslims are similar. They are, after all humans with faith in an Abrahamic religion.
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  4. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I hope not. Otherwise, we're in for an endless, escalating bloodbath.
  5. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Can someone PLEASE explain why all religions feel it necessary to EXPAND their numbers (in whatever fashion). Isn't it enough they initiate their children into their religions? This is the heart of the problem. If religious people would just MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS, there would be far less conflict and discord in most societies.
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  6. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    I think this would be a good time for everybody in general - and the media in particular - to just stop talking about religion and fanatics and terrorism. Hunt down any criminals, fight ISIS if you like. But keep it quiet. Don't feed the fucking trolls.
  7. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    I'm not going to pass judgement or tell you I know something you don't.

    But I have seen the people dancing in the street on 9/11 in what is supposed to be a moderate muslim country.
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  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    That doesn't sound like a moderate thinking/believing person at all, expanse (so i wouldn't call those people moderate christians if they really would love to watch that). Ok you said 'so called' moderate christians :p

    Most people that woud enjoy seeing a person of a different mindset/belief be put to death (wether they are muslim, christian, communist or whatever) do so because they have been teached to condemn such other people. This is not always primarily because their religion tells them to do this but because there is a reason for their authorities (parents, government, society, spiritual leaders etc. etc. could be anyone/thing) to install fear and dislike against these people and ideologies. We can see that this behaviour can easily be dropped (just the same by christian and muslim people) when their society/culture progresses in this regard (becomes more tolerant against people with different mindsets).
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  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    This is very basic group behaviour that is not restricted to religion/religious people at all. Any one or group that feels pressured by another sees the use of expansion, indoctrination, conversion/evangelisation etc.
  10. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Yes, but killing people doesn't really add to their numbers, does it?
  11. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    So no change from the last 1000 years then?
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  12. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Christianity - for arguments sake - started in year 0. In the dark ages christians fought a number of "holy wars" to claim what they thought was rightfully theirs. They burned witches and non believers until the mid 1500s. Christian women had to cover their heads until the middle of the 20th century.

    Islam started more than 600 years later. Today they fight holy wars, their women are covered up and when some stupid pastor says he is going to burn a Qur'an they burn an embassy half a world away.

    You do the math.
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  13. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Depends how close/precise you look. There are many changes, there is just always a bloodbath every once in awhile. But when you look how many muslims have killed western infidels (outside of a war) in their own society with a terrorist attack there is a certain tendency in the last 50 years.
  14. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I learned today that nowhere in the Koran does it say anything about depictions of Muhammad. There is another scripture which has strong language, but it is only Muslims who aren't supposed to do it. So these murderers aren't even following the Koran, apparently.
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    A religion usually is more than just their most important holy book.
  16. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I'd say the two biggest reasons are money and ego.

    I don't understand the thinking behind it, but young people all over the US and Europe can't wait to join ISIS. They want to leave societies with high standards of living, where they are allowed to have whatever beliefs they want to have. Seems insane to me. I know it isn't a huge number of people, but I can't see how they could ever convince ONE person.

    I grew up being told to fear communists, not people from different religions. This is a big change.

    Scary, but true. They can float in any direction.
  17. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    For me personally it would seem more scary if the holy book would really be all there is and acted upon. With many people contemplating and coming to different conclusions about a religion it is only good to express all that stuff, and only logical that some of it finds it way into the religion itself. It is not as if the holy book = the religion by default. Rarely. It just is a part of it, it doesn't even have to be the origin ;)
  18. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Perhaps they'll just change their minds and leave the rest of us alone. And perhaps I'll fly to the moon and eat some cheese.

    It's obvious that they WILL NOT STOP. They are insane, homicidal, religious maniacs. Why are those that COULD eliminate this scourge on

    humanity waiting? A suitcase A-bo** to level New York. Or LA. It's equally as obvious to me that the only way to curtail this is to, for a time, become just like them. Kill or be killed. It's unfortunate for our own mental state to HAVE to deal with them by total, unrelenting force. But what else is there to do? And when does it happen? It must, you know.

    Their goals have been stated, they are attempting to achieve them--people are dying----and we wait. And talk.

    Imagine, if you will, a world without free thought, libraries destroyed and gone, all forms of art prohibited, no educational systems except

    that which reveres a centuries old pedophile---and not a god-damn lick of enjoyment. Not even balloons for the kiddies!

    It's a hell of a thing to see another fascistic, non-sensical, dangerous group of religious killers rise and cause havoc in the world.

    Wasn't something similiar already dealt with 60 some odd years ago? Countries of the world--it's time.
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  19. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Read more about cult leaders. There's plenty to scare you.

    Sad, but probably true. It's such a hard decision to make.
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  20. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Well it can go either way. Cult and sect leaders often insist that their followers inteprete things too literally. But I didn't ment offshoots of a religion or something with their own ideology and leader. I mean just different stream of thoughts in the same (religious) group of people. I can hardly imagine if there weren't any but imagine that there was just the book and nobody would add a second thought or maybe a lot of people have them but they would never be incorporated in society/religion/culture/the system. Really does not seem scary to you? It is only natural that that happens. Cult leaders are indeed a scary example but not as scary as the alternative.
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